Paweł Kadysz Why did you stop?
Ian Prince I found my cool office - too good an opportunity to let go
Marcin K. I am waiting for your reviews. It is rather hard to find a good place, especially, which provides WiFi.
Or something has changed in last few years?
agnieszka bladzik and how long you sit there? they don't ask questions if you sit for to long?
Gogi Golzman buy a cup of coffee and they can't tell you nothing :) at least in israel it's like that
Paweł Kadysz ~4h-5h. I left at around 5pm. For an hour I was the only person there. Why would they ask their only customer to leave? :) I was spending money there (still cheaper than renting an office).
agnieszka bladzik i was rather thinking that after like 2 hours they will pass every half an hour asking if you need anything ;)
Paweł Kadysz I ordered a beverage every hour :P
ylarie zobaczyłam to zdjęcie i od razu wiedziałam, że to gramoffon! rok czy dwa lata temu zdarzyło mi się uchwycić tam podobny kadr
Ian Prince I did exactly that for 6 months - had a great time !