Aneta Wojtaszak Finally there she is 🥰🥰🥰🥰 awsome 🤩 and nice day it was 999 😍
Bruce It’s so cold out that the food in the feeder freezes 🙁. But by putting it out for short periods they can drink.
Aneta Wojtaszak Poor little bird 😥 great that you found a solution 🙂
craig Top shot!
Bruce Thanks Craig, it was almost dark so pretty hard to get an in-flight shot
Lido Cool 👍
Bruce Thank you Lido! 😊
trudka Great 👏
Bruce Thanks Trudka! 😊😊
Aneta Wojtaszak Finally there she is 🥰🥰🥰🥰 awsome 🤩 and nice day it was 999 😍