Viola Kuniej some strange moon, isn't it? :P
Bruce Given the current situation in the world, it's the perfect moon! :-). Plus it looks like it doubles as a showerhead 😂😀
Viola Kuniej hahahahhaha now I saw it! thank u very much :P
Bruce :-). Also the title could be "Moonstruck" :-)
Viola Kuniej hahahhah really?? why?
Bruce It's a corona-moon, but you are keeping a safe distance! :-)
Viola Kuniej 😂😂😂
Bruce :-)
Lido Czekanie na najgorsze.... a może na najlepsze... z Twojej fotografii wnioskuję, że na lepsze...
Viola Kuniej tego nie wiem, montaże same do mnie przychodzą, ja jestem tylko medium 😊
Ian Prince Would that be moon-bathing, or a moon shower?
Viola Kuniej better moon that covid-bathing 😂😂
Bruce Awesome updated image, V :-).