Recently I've made quite a number of baby flowers from my old ones. It's somehow strange - I'm not a "flower person". I just have some of them and they are growing "all by themselves" :D I just water them sometimes. I even bought some fertilizer some years ago but use it so rare that it's probably after it's due date.
It came to the level that my mum, which love her flowers and all this garden stuff, gives me her problematic ones for convalescence ;-) She said that I have this "hand for flowers" after my grandma. But I'm sticking to the idea that I just have a lot of sun in my apartment, I keep it warm and I just don't bother the flowers with my needs of them growing ;-)
About 2 years ago, when my baby ficus - which I bought like 5cm little plant - has grown to 1.5m high tree and I was giving him away to my friend, I've made some "babies". And since then I've made some more from my other ficuses also.
On this photo is a quite new child of now half a meter nice plant which I bought in some DYI store as a little guy. It's something magical seeing as those few leaves on the stick starts to grow all by themselves. And by the way it is some kind of my tradition to buy those tiny flowers sold for 4-5PLN (1EUR) while doing shopping in those DYI stores. Especially those hidden somewhere and last of their kind. I noticed that those ones are very eager to grow later on when they got their chance ;-)
120mr 1,5 m on two years, impressive!