Tomasz Dolata no dearly in the Netherlands per cubic meter of water we pay about 2 euro
Roman Czarny In Poland, 1 cubic of water will cost 4 zlote and 1 cubic wastewater 6,40 zloty = 10.40 zloty 2.4 Euro
Satoshi T Thank you @Tomasz and @Roman for your Information of water cost. I must thank that water is wealthy in Tokyo...
bvphotosnap sharp image!
Satoshi T Thank you @bvphotosnap !
Rohini Good shot!
Satoshi T Thank you @Rohini , I imagine you are very busy.
Cicérøn & Jamie D. Carrey ØØ ;-)
Satoshi T Thank you @Cicérøn , and CØngratulations!
Tomasz Dolata no dearly in the Netherlands per cubic meter of water we pay about 2 euro