Viola Kuniej
o kule, nie zauważyłam 😂😂😂
thnx, wierny druhu!
Artur Łobocki
Pamiętasz koszulki: "I've made 100 photos in a row and what's your superpower?" ?
Powinny być "2,5k photos in a row? Holy shit and I don't care!" 🤣🤣🤣
Viola Kuniej
jezusie... szybko poszło, co??
Artur Łobocki Taaak, pikuś w ogóle 🤣
Viola Kuniej 🤣😄😂🤪
Ian Prince 2500 days travelling together… 5000 photos between us 😍
Viola Kuniej woooow! it's really amazing, Ian... and our path also! ❤
Ian Prince Yes it’s been quite a journey for both of us. Looking forward to the day when our paths cross ❤️
Viola Kuniej hahaha it's really possible!
Artur Łobocki 2 i pół koła. Wow! Gratki!