It was still dark when I went to the loch today (hence the grainy shot) The young one was waiting on the drainage access point. It was quite quiet though so she got all her food then jumped back onto the access point and watched me leave!
I received a text today saying I was named as a close contact of someone who has Covid. I was instructed to isolate until the 13th or until I get a negative PCR result - I went immediately for a PCR and hope to hear tomorrow. I will not get to the loch tomorrow morning and can't bear the thought of perhaps not getting there until the 17th if I test positive and the young heron is waiting. I know that that she will be fine and can look after herself but it has totally depressed me. I have absolutely no symptoms so fingers crossed. I doubt I will sleep much tonight 😔
Bruce Hopefully your Covid test is negative and that everything works out. The heron will be ok regardless- she’s a survivor 😊. Fingers crossed for a negative result!