A: "It is hard to explain what 'äuä*' means to someone who does not speak Swiss German."
B: "Äuäää! it is not hard at all!"
A: "Äuä?" and how should we do this?
B: "Well, it is äuä impossible to translate it directly to the English language!"
A: "Äuä, exactly. I think it's a good idea to just try to explain its different meanings by using the word in this English text!
B: "Äuä not! Nobody except for Perry16 is going to understand us!"
A: "Äuäää! Everybody is going to understand us!"
*not really! / but yes! / of course not / really? / probably / probably not / possibly / possibly not
#typography #typically-swiss #language #theme-the-devil-is-in-the-det...
Lido It's a very complicated explanation, but I think I understand it.🤔🙃🤥😘