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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 875
Poor Impulse Control
When I see a bird, I need to shoot the bird. I spent the day trying my best not to shoot birds. I shot flowers, and landscapes, a...
Day 894
Office Under New Lighting
I'm working on a list of photos I want to take this summer. Mostly updates to an old and dated presentation I do. One (which...
Day 1,861
Day 1,911
Sandhill Crane
Right place, right time. The Cranes are back for 2021!
Day 1,997
4 - 1 to take the Series Lead 3-2
Last night my Habs played good hockey. Or at least they played better than the other team. Tomorrow is Game Six. If...
Day 2,192
It was a very dull day. The weather was m'eh, work was m'eh, even the birds were m'eh. At least the squirrels took advantage of the situation to...
Day 779
Last couple of days things have been warmin' up. Sunset over the lake looks both pretty and sad. #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wat...
Day 957
Evening Blue Jay
Out wanting to shoot birds tonight. So I did. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #bird #wood #little #animal #tree #park #wild #f...
Day 975
Sunset at the Pond
Sunset, after a storm. #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wood #water #wednesday #tree #reflection #sky #cloud #river #tr...
Day 987
Mushroom Kingdom
Out looking for more late season flowers. Instead I found these mushrooms. #fall #outdoors #nature #afternoon #food #wood #monday #co...
Day 1,000
1,000 pictures later
Section of marsh I don't get to very often. Made the time and effort to go out today. #autumn #fall #outdoors #nature #afternoon...
Day 1,002
Dirt Bike Prom
Colleague at work asked me to take her picture for an article. She's being interviewed from some sort of dirt bike magazine. When I ask...
Day 1,093
Start of a New Year.
Start of a New Year. Out walking the site today. Something I want to do so much more of this year. So far, I'm off to a good start.
Day 1,127
So. Much. Fog.
So. Much. Fog. Canoe Bay (and everywhere else) was blanketed in a very thick fog.
Day 1,309
Canoe at the MNR dam. And so many bugs.
Day 1,373
Pre-Pontoon Scenery
#theme-tookapic-love While it's fun to post hum-drum slice-of-life pictures, there is something to be said about sharing the spect...
Day 1,398
Red Pine Plantation
Another in my series of attempts at capturing the plantation. Not to be all Artsy-fartsy here, but there is diffidently a mood or...
Day 1,457
Trush and Jay
Back from my holidays and had a chance to grab another quick picture of Sam and a Blue Jay this afternoon. It's been almost a month of h...
Day 1,547
Too much time
Lots of time on my hands of late. Finding new and interesting things to keep myself good. #theme-wtf
Day 1,595
Trout Lily and Bee
When I go out to intentionally tooapic... takeapic... work on this project I find that more often than not I either use one of the...
Day 1,693
White-faced Meadowhawk
Last summer dragonfly.
Day 1,920
Song Sparrow
A New-to-Me bird!
Day 1,950
Funny and a little annoying
The Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have learned that tapping on the glass is rather loud.
Day 2,552
New Year Same Birds