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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 899
Pet Peeves
I've been making a conscious effort to get out more. A couple of years back I would wonder the property after work, interacting with guests...
Day 910
Breaking the Humidity
Been stupid humid that last couple of days. This afternoon storm front certainly did it's best to knock it back some. #fall #out...
Day 916
Too. Many. Damn. Mosquitos!
Let's go out late and shoot stuff. It'll be fun. There's no way there'd be bloody-thirty hellspawn out to ruin your evenin...
Day 950
This doesn't belong here either!
This chopper was busy doing loops around the property today. And doing a very good job at annoying me. #afternoon #sa...
Day 1,075
Late Afternoon Fog
Very heavy fog rolled in this afternoon. Kinda made for a a moody picture. #nature #friday #afternoon #lake #landscape #wood #water...
Day 1,843
Gotta Fly
Had some luck today with my Feeder Shots. I'm rather quite happy this shot. Ya, it's not spectacular -no one is going to publish it- but I l...
Day 738
Twenty Second Handheld
I was planning on taking a different picture. Unfortunately (fortunately?) I left my camera setup from the star pictures a coup...
Day 749
Freezing Rain for the Birds
Freezing Rain made for an interesting day. Staff leaving early, birds visiting the feeder, and cancelled plans. At least I...
Day 752
Phone Hub
Part of my job is to take care of the technology around site. Very often it's a matter of looking at it, scratch my head, and google it. Or...
Day 781
PSA: Use Your Head, Don't be a Dumbass
Rain, high water, and flooding. Seriously people... stay off the ice. #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #lan...
Day 811
Another Pine Siskin
Cropped this image for a future project; Gots me plenty of space to add text to the right. #morning #outdoors #nature #bird #sunda...
Day 861
What do you call a group of canoes?
Spring Migration continues! This morning we spotted this school of Canoes moving from their wintering grounds (at...
Day 871
Many Missed Moments
Blue heron at sunset: Missed. Moose on the driveway: Missed. Blanding's basking on a long: Missed. Wild columbine: Missed... sorta...
Day 973
In a bit of a hurry tonight. Squeezed some time out of my schedule to grab this chickadee. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #bird #monday #little #...
Day 1,352
Sunset at the Foot
Was asked to capture the pond at the foot of the driveway. Not sure if this will work or not. Guess we'll see.
Day 1,379
Thirty Seconds Earlier
Nice quiet Thanksgiving Monday here. Nice opportunity to get caught up on some laundry. Half a minute after I took this I caugh...
Day 1,399
Blue Jay
haven't shot a bird in forever. feederwatch starts next week... might as well break out the long lens and get some practice in.
Day 1,919
Ring-necked Ducks
Fun ducks on the marsh!
Day 1,986
While I was heading out I came across this grouse (forest chicken) sitting in the middle of the road. Did my errands and who did I f...
Day 809
Dining Hall at Night
Out trying to find something to shoot. Hadn't done the dining hall in a long while. #outdoors #nature #friday #night #evening #la...
Day 880
Long day driving. No real time to make anything. Default to the marsh I guess. #fall #outdoors #nature #saturday #lake #evening #landscape #wood...
Day 886
Just a doe on the road. #outdoors #nature #friday #afternoon #wood #cat #animal #tree #park #grass #wild #carnivore #deer #fur #wildlife #cute #j...
Day 897
Third times a charm
Blue skies, bright & inviting, clear & crips... Yup, this'll look nice on a PowerPoint presentation. #morning #outdoors #wood #roo...
Day 988
On demand photography
When people know you dabble in the photoarts, you occasionally get summoned to shoot stuff. #morning #outdoors #nature #wood #ro...