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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,030
Lone Merc on the Marsh
End of the season. One last merganser on the marsh. #october #outdoors #nature #afternoon #duck #lake #bird #tuesday #water #re...
Day 1,070
Places to Go
Broke out the big lens and did some bird shots. Here's a White Breasted Nuthatch going some place else. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lak...
Day 1,539
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Just what the title implies, just a lazy Sunday afternoon of mucking about the house, feeding my birds and getting myself psyche...
Day 791
A Pile of Sticks, A Pile of Scat
Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking a field biologist on a short tour of the site. She was looking for Red / Easte...
Day 827
Last Friday there was a bus crash in Saskatchewan. Fourteen people, many of whom were just young men, lost their lives. They were on their wa...
Day 830
Geese on the Creek
Just a pair of geese on the creek. Hope the snow storm isn't going to be too rough on 'em. #outdoors #nature #friday #duck #lake #b...
Day 985
Didn't last the day.
Saw this this morning. By this evening it was gone. #morning #outdoors #nature #saturday #color #garden #grass #leaf #wild #flowe...
Day 986
Laundry Night
Doing laundry tonight. Out and waiting for my dryer cycle to finish. #outdoors #night #evening #landscape #sunday #light #road #dark #tr...
Day 1,076
Jasper, Eater of Bird Seeds
Jasper-buddy came for a visit today. One of her favourite activities is to snack on the bird seeds. It took a bit of work...
Day 1,098
Orion in the Backyard.
Orion in the Backyard. Cold, cloudless night. Might as well got out back and do some stars.
Day 1,132
Suite Ball
Just a chickadee enjoying a suite ball.
Day 1,192
Not an Otter
Spent about half an hour this evening shooting an otter. While it was fun, I only managed one okay (not good, just okay) shot. I'll share...
Day 1,332
Portage Beach Fire Show
More training. This time some fire lighting skills at Portage Beach.
Day 1,785
First (but not really) of the Year
This is the second Hairy Woodpecker of the season. The first was yesterday, but wouldn't you know it... no card in...
Day 801
Still Not What I Want
Along the creek, there is a section of plants that looks amazing. The contrast between the shrubs and the moss is most striking....
Day 947
Future Home of another horizontal surface
Found the table I want to use as a new desk. It's amazing what you'll find at IKEA. The INGO table is pretty...
Day 981
Paddle Shack
Overcast again. Hard to make a good dusk picture. #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #wood #house #tuesday #tree #building #barn #wood...
Day 1,065
A miror of a different sort. #indoors #evening #light #tuesday #street #city #reflection #window #shadow #people #architecture #door #room #man #trave...
Day 1,108
A majestic washroom
Yes. Today I took a picture of a washroom at sunset.
Day 1,356
Sunset on my way to Second Beach
Day 1,369
Milky Way at Aspen Field
Tomorrow, something different. But for today, a night sky. Some post work in Lightroom, but all done as a single long exposur...
Day 1,463
New Toys New Signs
The maintenance team got some new toys over the break. They spent some time putting up new signs around site. Lookin pretty slick.
Day 1,534
SURPRISE!!! SNOW!!! #theme-at-home The easiest part of Social Distancing is being distant from other social people.
Day 1,750
One of Many
This photo has been taken hundreds of millions of times before. There is nothing unique or interesting or significant at all about this ph...