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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,162
Not how it should be used
We have a bit of a branding problem at work. Folks like to put it ON EVERYTHING. They insist on making it as big and In-Your...
Day 1,160
Just Jabba sitting on the railing.
Day 1,156
Setting Sun
Just a picture of an icicle.
Day 1,149
Another step closer (and I should really sweep soon)
Second table arrived today! I'll be spending Friday playing at Ikea Builder. Than it'll be a simp...
Day 1,147
Red Oak and Blue Jay
Not the best image ever, not by a long shot. But, it was nice to see my jays again.
Day 1,146
Silly Human Tricks
Victoria, for some reason, thought it'd be a good idea to walk about the small dining room whilst balancing a tray on her head. Tru...
Day 1,143
Day at Night
Out checking one a street light (it's been strobbing for the last couple-a-few months on and off). Brought my camera and tripod to play s...
Day 1,139
Little bird, big world
More fun with my birds today.
Day 1,138
Second Time's a Charm
Every Canadian knows what this is. It's time for Tim Horton's Roll Up the Rim to Win event. On my second coffee of the season, I...
Day 1,136
Capture One, Day One
Recently downloaded Capture One as my go to for RAW processing. It's not that Lightroom is a bad piece of software (I enjoy it qu...
Day 1,135
Snow storm
Got cut lose early from work today due to the approaching snowstorm. Could have used the time better to make something cool, but instead I...
Day 1,134
Something to Play With
Just something to mess around with later.
Day 1,133
Eight Little Chickadees
Trust me... there is eight of 'em. Two in the air, three on the bars, and three on the feeders.
Day 1,132
Suite Ball
Just a chickadee enjoying a suite ball.
Day 1,131
Time to be silly!
Nothing else really than just being silly.
Day 1,127
So. Much. Fog.
So. Much. Fog. Canoe Bay (and everywhere else) was blanketed in a very thick fog.
Day 1,126
Red Squirrel on an Icy Day
Day full of freezing rain. Regardless of the of the weather a squirrel's gotta do what a squirrel's gotta do. Fat Jaba has...
Day 1,124
Mid-Moring Coffee and Phone Calls
Trying to get a family doctor. Found one that'll take me on as a patient. Seems like a good guy (very relaxed, not a...
Day 1,123
So cold we brought the canoe inside...
... Or we're getting ready for a wedding.
Day 1,120
Today was all about paperwork. Just like every other day it seems. While the photo doesn't do it justice, there is an oak tree out my window that keep...
Day 1,119
Snowhawk on my Soul
Time to knock the snow off my car.
Day 1,118
Blasam Centre
Quick, easy, uninspired streak photo.
Day 1,113
Cold snap. Gotta chance to get out (briefly) and shoot. Next couple-a-few days I'll be out of town for work. I'll miss my birds whil...
Day 1,108
A majestic washroom
Yes. Today I took a picture of a washroom at sunset.