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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,107
# Life of the single guy.
Let my dishes get out of hand recently. It happens. Life gets in the way. Dish soap runs out. It happens. What also happens...
Day 1,105
# Nuthatch
Little red-breasted nuthatch sitting in a white pine.
Day 1,104
# Hairy on the feeder
Miss shooting my birds. Time to change that.
Day 1,099
Busy On The Toilet.
Busy On The Toilet. I've mentioned, I think, the embarrassment I suffered this November when I wasn't able to produce photos for our company Christmas...
Day 1,098
Orion in the Backyard.
Orion in the Backyard. Cold, cloudless night. Might as well got out back and do some stars.
Day 1,094
Got Lucky
Got Lucky Went into town for some supplies and such. One my way back I spotted something that kinda-sorta-but-not-really looked like a beaver. Tried t...
Day 1,093
Start of a New Year.
Start of a New Year. Out walking the site today. Something I want to do so much more of this year. So far, I'm off to a good start.
Day 1,092
New Year's Eve Hockey.
New Year's Eve Hockey. World Juniors (Canada vs. Russia), cheeses, shrimp, and some bread... All makes for a tasty and exciting end of the year.
Day 1,091
Home Again.
Home Again. On the road at 9:30 this morning and back home about seven or so hours later. It was a nice vacation, but it's time to get back at it.
Day 1,076
Jasper, Eater of Bird Seeds
Jasper-buddy came for a visit today. One of her favourite activities is to snack on the bird seeds. It took a bit of work...
Day 1,075
Late Afternoon Fog
Very heavy fog rolled in this afternoon. Kinda made for a a moody picture. #nature #friday #afternoon #lake #landscape #wood #water...
Day 1,074
Work Progresses
Winter renovations continues! Our (sorely neglected) Maintenance Garage is getting a whole pile of upgrades; new siding, insultation,...
Day 1,071
Evening Grosbeaks
Pair of grosbeaks at the feeder. Two of about sixteen or so. #morning #outdoors #nature #bird #birds #monday #animal #december #beak...
Day 1,070
Places to Go
Broke out the big lens and did some bird shots. Here's a White Breasted Nuthatch going some place else. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lak...
Day 1,068
Afterhours Coffee
Like the title suggests, grabbing a coffee with some Irish cream. #indoors #friday #evening #kitchen #house #bottle #home #coffee #t...
Day 1,067
Not going very far.
Our gator is getting some work done. The engine is off to get looked at; something seized or something like that. In the meantime...
Day 1,065
A miror of a different sort. #indoors #evening #light #tuesday #street #city #reflection #window #shadow #people #architecture #door #room #man #trave...
Day 1,064
More of the White Stuff
Snowfall overnight, which is nice. Especially when we had rain on-and-off for the better part of the weekend. #outdoors #natur...
Day 1,062
A holiday tradition
After all the speech, and food, and gift exchanges, there is only one thing left to do to celebrate this time of year: Staff vs. S...
Day 1,050
It Begins.
The kids put up their first Christmas decoration of the season. While I generally don't like all the fuss, I'll be honest (here), it was fu...
Day 1,046
Evening Grosbeak
Been seeing four or so of these folks on-and-off today. Rumor is that we'll be seeing more of 'em this winter. #morning #thursday #ou...
Day 1,045
Out trying
Just playing with my tripod and camera tonight. #outdoors #old #evening #wood #roof #house #wednesday #home #window #architecture #building...
Day 1,043
Visitors from Away
Spent the last couple of days with a group of delegates from Brazil. They are planning on bringing up students starting 2020. Ya......
Day 1,042
Snow Selfie
Started to snow on my way down for dinner. Might as well have some fun and take a selfie. #portrait #afternoon #sunday #fun #people #winte...