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26 photos
Day 2,908
Maybe not/never
Day 2,836
Outskirts of Town
Day 2,035
Day 2,801
The 'Light' day...
No scheduled classes today. I thought that it'd be a good opportunity to get start on two of my asynchronous online classes. Three...
Day 2,537
Back visiting the folks. Started, and finished, my holiday shopping.
Day 1,085
Covered Bridge at the Petrolia Flats.
Covered Bridge at the Petrolia Flats. For the last couple of years, I've been trying to get a specific shot. This pond... at night... with skaters on...
Day 1,816
Letter at Discovery
Went out to find another place for the letter to visit. Today we went to see an oil rig out at the Petrolia Discovery. Not sure we...
Day 2,843
Day 2,857
Day 877
High Park
Back visiting the County for a bit. After dinner tonight, Mom took me for a drive to see "the new factory". By new factory she meant the new...
Day 2,822
Library visit
It's Thursday, so it's a day to go to the library and do some studying.
Day 2,878
Snow Tires and Cloth 'Shopping'
Visited the storage locker today. Swapped my summer tires for my snows (just in time too I think) and did some 'shoppi...
Day 2,892
At least you'll have a book
Sage words from the local library.
Day 3,012
Day 2,815
Day 2,829
Day 3,032
Check engine light...
Is now being checked.
Day 2,808
Scarecrow Town
Day 2,850
Greater Anglewing and Flu Shots
Got my flu shots today (yay) and I know that my arm is gonna be sore (boo). Saw this Anglewing on my way to the pharma...
Day 2,989
Sunset in Petrolia
Day 2,921
Look at me being all techy
Installing TWO different version of Server 2022 (GUI and Core) at the same time!
Day 2,859
Surprise Library Day
I'm getting behind in work. Need less distractions. Off to the library it is!
Day 2,871
Approved by The Fantastic Jurassic Joe
Day 2,885
Updated my BIOS this morning... And I'm afraid. Did everything go right? Will my machine start back up? Did I just make a $2,000 brick? Oh... It'...