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21 photos
Day 155
Lunch time. While waiting for our food to come I decided to take a picture of the wall which I think looks very interesting. I'm not sure but...
Day 152
Red Light
I stopped in the middle of an above ground walkway to take this shot. I am bit annoyed because a bit earlier there were a lot of cars passin...
Day 149
Philippine Jeep
This is the Philippine jeep. It is one of the major modes of transport in the Philippines. #october #evening #car #road #monday #stree...
Day 156
View From The Top
I was on the top floor of the shopping mall going to a coffee shop where I can work when I looked down and took this picture. #indoo...
Day 151
Rest Time
Walking back to the house after lunch I came across this tricycle driver positioning himself on the bike's seat for a rest. #october #aftern...
Day 158
No Bike Lane For Me
I was on my way to meet a friend when I saw this young man riding his bicycle on the main road with all the other cars and buses....
Day 1,382
Day 153
My Tookapic
Rain. The whole afternoon and evening so I decided to do something different. #october #friday #tookapic #night #macbook #keyboard #comput...
Day 150
Street Mural
This street mural is near the house where I am staying at the moment. I took this photo before the morning rush hour. #morning #october #...
Day 154
No Turn On Red
The car started moving as I took the photo giving it a slightly blurred look. #morning #october #saturday #road #street #red #traffic #...
Day 1,391
See You Next Time
Tonight, I fly back home.
Day 1,385
Men At Work
Day 1,389
Protected Cat
This cat is one of several that freely roam in the park right in the middle of the shopping complex. The cats are not feral and are quit...
Day 1,379
View From The Pedestrian Bridge
Day 1,390
Waiting In Line
This is a usual sight at the end of the working day. People queue up to get a ride in the jeepney. There are people whose job is to sh...
Day 1,377
The Jeepney is the most common form of public transportation in the Philippines. It is called Jeepney because the very first ones were conver...
Day 1,380
Street Food
Food carts like this one are quite common in the little side streets of the business district. Drivers of executives, cleaners, and simple...
Day 1,384
A shop specializing in Japanese clothing and products.
Day 1,378
Day 1,388
Day 1,381