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26 photos
Day 113
Day 108
At last! No clouds during morning walk with the dogs.
Day 119
Bent but not broken
Day 128
Day 116
Day 124
Day 106
Day 112
Day 114
Day 117
Day 118
A dog at the sunrise
Day 103
Tired paws
These paws took him for a very long walk today. They did a very good job, and deserve some rest. #theme-feet-and-paws
Day 110
Day 122
So many things to read, so little time
Day 129
Day 104
Can you record my training?
Day 107
Day 109
Licorice in vanilla chocolate (yum)
Day 115
Day 120
Day 123
On the lookout
Day 134
Day 105
– Photo of a detail take you will. – Yeah, I'll try… – Do or do not, there is no try! #theme-the-devil-is-in-the-details
Day 126