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1.1K photos
1 follower
Day 2,443
Seeing red
Day 2,435
The other half
With a wink to @myno at the #theme-half
Day 2,434
Glass half full
Or half empty. A bit like my day. #theme-half
Day 2,431
Pool again
Forth time this week, feels good
Day 2,430
On the edge
Nice weather, nice swim
Day 2,428
Favorite time of year
When the kids are back at school, it’s still warm, and the pool has loads of empty lanes to swim in!
Day 2,427
Open the Pod door bays, please, HAL
Tribute to one of my favorite films and #the...
Day 2,424
Afternoon at the pool
In good company
Day 2,422
Didn’t sleep that well so much needed coffee…
Day 2,421
Me heart goes out to the brave women and innocent children there
Day 2,411
Another rainy day
So more driving for Oscar before the test next Thursday!
Day 2,410
Finally some sunshine
Two good swims to make up for bad weather we’ve been having
Day 2,409
Another wet day
And I got the front of my car repaired, finally 😊
Day 2,408
Wet and cold
October weather… in early August. Getting more confident riding in the wet though 😀
Day 2,405
Early morning 2.5km swim race. Almost as fast as last year 😊
Day 2,396
Good swim 💪
Day 2,395
Another good swim in the pool #theme-curves
Day 2,394
More training
Further, faster 😊
Day 2,393
For a race. Lane just for me 😊
Day 2,389
Always fun
Day 2,386
Spiderman in the studio. Oh I hadn’t realized… it’s fitting I took this in the studio as it’s four years today I fo...
Day 2,385
Picked up some enlargements I had taken with the 6x6 Mamiya - always a special moment.
Day 2,382
Every day a bit faster 😃
Day 2,381
Nothing stops me 🏊‍♂️
Awful weather again, but hey! #theme-pastel