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8.1K photos
1 follower
Day 3,283
Out from the office after seven and a half years. Looking forward to working more in the studio 😀
Day 3,282
With Oscar
In the studio with Oscar and Mayra
Day 2,947
#moon #fullmoonrising #tree #night
Day 2,946
3 silhouettes
#shadow #landscape
Day 3,281
Happy Christmas
With happy kids: what more could I ask for 😀
Day 3,280
Just one
Busy, just one photo today
Day 3,279
The tree
In the right light, the colours of the latest Polaroid packs are gorgeous 😀
Day 2,944
no title
#house #wood #cat #chairs #window #sun #seagull #trumpet
Day 3,278
Christmas vibes
Day 2,942
gold x silver
#trainkiss #trains #public-transportation
Day 3,277
Five-pack of Polaroids 😀
Day 3,276
At Eva’s for another episode of The Crown
Day 3,275
Lunch with Oscar. Especially grateful as totally crazy day
Day 2,939
#fog #city #bern #winter
Day 3,274
Above the clouds
At home, the place to be today
Day 3,273
Day 3
Lovely sunny day ski-touring in Villars
Day 2,938
Everybody came up to our local 'mountain', the Bantiger, to be above the sea of fog. #fog #sunset #goldenhour #people #sea-of-fog
Day 2,937
on lake Murten. We had very much rain in the last days and our lakes and rivers are full. Good for me to be on eye level with a swan! #swan #suns...
Day 3,272
Home from home
A new adventure
Day 2,936
Christmas trail
The local church organizes a Christmas trail every year. This year, I was commissioned to do a photo reportage for the local newspaper...
Day 3,271
Lulu and Eva
Day 3,270
On my way home
Busy day at work, just one photo
Day 3,269
Off to Lausanne
Contract signed 💪
Day 2,933
Advantages of rainy weather
#mirroring #water #christmas-lights