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8.3K photos
1 follower
Day 3,291
The trees
Taken with the Polaroid One Step +. Did I say I liked instant photography? 😉
Day 3,290
Lulu and Eva
Taken with the instax SQ1
Day 3,289
Remote working
Nice and peaceful
Day 3,288
Day 7
Unexpected blue skies and fresh powder: perfect start to the new year
Day 3,287
Day 6
When the snow runs out carry your skis 😊
Day 3,286
Day 5
Climbing with the sunrise at Col de Soud above Villars
Day 250
#theme-sparkle Chemin des Lanternes
Day 3,285
9 years
And good to be on skis this time. Tenth year, here we come :)
Day 3,284
Too high. Again
Day 3,283
Out from the office after seven and a half years. Looking forward to working more in the studio 😀
Day 3,282
With Oscar
In the studio with Oscar and Mayra
Day 2,947
#moon #fullmoonrising #tree #night
Day 2,946
3 silhouettes
#shadow #landscape
Day 3,281
Happy Christmas
With happy kids: what more could I ask for 😀
Day 3,280
Just one
Busy, just one photo today
Day 3,279
The tree
In the right light, the colours of the latest Polaroid packs are gorgeous 😀
Day 2,944
no title
#house #wood #cat #chairs #window #sun #seagull #trumpet
Day 3,278
Christmas vibes
Day 2,942
gold x silver
#trainkiss #trains #public-transportation
Day 3,277
Five-pack of Polaroids 😀
Day 3,276
At Eva’s for another episode of The Crown
Day 3,275
Lunch with Oscar. Especially grateful as totally crazy day
Day 2,939
#fog #city #bern #winter
Day 3,274
Above the clouds
At home, the place to be today