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8.1K photos
1 follower
Day 3,166
Going to miss having you at home …
Day 3,165
The circus is back in town
Day 3,164
Working from home, always nice to take a break and fire up a camera :)
Day 3,163
Finishing off a roll of film in the Minox before getting it developed and scanned
Day 2,827
Of course I picked it up after taking a pic. But there was so much more rubbish at the roadside 😖 #theme-nasty #rubbish #chocolate
Day 3,162
Eva and Pamplemousse
Matching colors 😊
Day 2,826
der Aare na... along the Aare river
Day 3,161
Of weather, after so much heat, we get this
Day 2,825
Badenfahrt, day 9 (day 5 for me)
Yes, these are (fake) yellifishes swimming inside an old washing machine standing in the roads of Baden. The machine...
Day 3,160
At the Hermitage museum discovering Édouard Vuillard
Day 3,159
Small steps
Found this staircase I hadn’t seen for quite a while
Day 2,823
#sunset #tree #silhouette #counterlight #theme-look-beyond
Day 2,822
Badenfahrt, day 6 (day 4 for me :-) )
#theme-look-beyond #ferris-wheel #party
Day 3,158
Room with a view
A rather good day at work
Day 3,157
Off to lunch
With Oscar at the wheel
Day 2,821
Badenfahrt, day 5 (day 3 for me ;-) )
#city #river #party
Day 3,156
4 years later
4 years ago today Oscar started his apprenticeship:, Today he is finishing it, a qualified software d...
Day 3,155
Well not quite 85 degrees, but feels it!
Day 2,819
#sunset #sky #cornfield
Day 3,154
Traversée de la rade
My favorite “race” in Geneva, from one side of the lake to the other. Gorgeous weather and 25 degree warm water!
Day 2,818
Badenfahrt, day 2
in one of the bars, a very nice one designed with lots of stuff from the rubbish dump #mirror #yellow #party
Day 2,817
Badenfahrt day 1
A huge festival all over the city with concerts, restaurants, art installations, theatres, … and loooots of people
Day 3,153
Allalinhorn 4027m
What a climb, what a view! Very happy how well it went and how strong I felt all the way up 😎
Day 118
Lake again and again
This time at least I had a swim. I should definitely buy a paddle