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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 726
Okay. Another Cardnial
Actually, we had about six or so here today. #portrait #nature #afternoon #saturday #bird #little #color #animal #wild #winter...
Day 743
Orion 3
#evening #landscape #light #galaxy #dark #tuesday #fog #tree #sun #moon #sky #weather #sunset #winter #storm #silhouette #january #dawn #dusk...
Day 842
Seasonal Falls
I've been trying to get this picture since 2010. Every year I'm late getting out here. This year, finally, I got it. This waterfall onl...
Day 860
Showing Off
Left my camera out on the table today. One of my colleagues saw it and made the classic "Wow, that's a big camera" comment. I took the opp...
Day 967
What you lookin' at?
Trying some new techniques. Didn't work the way I wanted. Oh well, this sisken had fun at least. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #bi...
Day 968
American Goldfinch
More fun shooting finches. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #bird #wednesday #animal #wild #beak #one #avian #wildlife #august #side-vi...
Day 1,001
That's One.
One thousand days. That's how long I've been doing my Picture-a-Day project on tookapic. Some days have been incredible while others have...
Day 1,040
Pavillion with Snow
Was snowing most of the day. The pavillion is certainly looking nice with a fresh coat of the white stuff. #fall #outdoors #nature...
Day 1,046
Evening Grosbeak
Been seeing four or so of these folks on-and-off today. Rumor is that we'll be seeing more of 'em this winter. #morning #thursday #ou...
Day 1,139
Little bird, big world
More fun with my birds today.
Day 1,321
Sunset at Canoe Bay
Been under the weather that last couple of days (like, in bed by 9:00, kind of under the weather). Today... today I feel better.
Day 1,371
Old Pond, New Spot
This wasn't the image I thought I was going to share. A surprise clearing of the skies around sunset, changed that plan.
Day 1,405
Today is the first day of Project FeederWatch for 2019! FW is a citizen science project where members of the private monitor their...
Day 1,511
Hairy Woodpecker
Another weekend, so another day of shooting birds.
Day 1,556
Pine Warbler... maybe...
... thanks to the birding community, I know that Yes, yes it is! A new bird for me to add to my life list... not that I'm kee...
Day 1,620
More foxes!
Just what the world needs more of... more baby foxes being ridiculously cute and adorable. Hope to make my way into the big city tomorrow...
Day 1,660
Non-comet sunset
Still trying for one more comet shot before it's gone. Too cloudy... again. Maybe Wednesday?
Day 1,761
Day 1,850
Moody Matches
Birds are cool and all... but sometimes I need to channel my inner moody teenager.
Day 1,871
More Grosbeak Adventures
Happy with how this one turned out. Hoping for a bit of a warm spell soon so I can spend longer outdoors.
Day 1,900
Year One
Year One It's been (more or less) a year since COVID-19 lockdown started. The left photo was the first day of shutdown, the right is the last day of y...
Day 1,905
Lucked Out
Glad I got at least something worth sharing. Shortly after taking this my camera ran out of batteries. Also: My god is it hard to make suet...
Day 1,914
Fox Two
A new, new Fox. April Fool's brought another Fox. This one also seems to enjoy raiding my feeder station. I might pick up some dog food to see...
Day 1,928