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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 1,949
Most diffinately NOT a Black Duck
So, this time of year I get more and more of my seasonal birds back. Today, while coming back from town I saw a pair...
Day 1,970
Need to get closer... but not *too* close.
Need to get closer... but not too close. Shot this from about... I dunno... 20m maybe? I'm really bad at guessing measurements. Mosquitos were out so...
Day 1,976
no time, here's a goose. now to watch hockey. Go Habs Go!
Day 1,980
Day 2,006
Not the Plan
the Purple Finches have been hanging out a lot recently. Suited up in my armour (bug jacket) and went out shooting. Instead a Ruby-throat...
Day 2,464
A night to skipping stone
Last minute change of plans tonight. At dinner I was asked to lead a Senses Hike. We saw a flock of turkeys and a gaggle of...
Day 2,518
Pair of Evening Grosbeaks
Better light today. :)
Day 2,582
Eat and Go
Day 27
This is not a picture of a Chickadee
... "Chickadees are easy to photograph and are always an ideal place to start with bird photography". Someone tol...
Day 164
Held a Canon to my Head...
and got off my butt and do something. Spent an hour or so just sitting on a rock. Saw some swallows flying about. Talked wi...
Day 272
Instead of updating my Lightroom I chose to go out and have some fun. #october #afternoon #bird #sunday #bird-feeder #chickadee #black-cappe...
Day 391
Two Lights on a Cloudy Night
I had thought I'd step out an make something with trees and shadows. Instead I had fun with two different street lights....
Day 408
Gotta Catch 'Em All
This Hairy Woodpecker is one of the last birds I've been needing to get a picture of. In a couple-a-few weeks we'll be hosting Mar...
Day 425
Not t be confused with yesterday's sunset
Another early March sunset. #outdoors #saturday #lake #evening #landscape #water #sky #weather #clouds #clou...
Day 448
Foggy Day
Fog all day. The creek is starting to melt. Spring is here. #afternoon #landscape #monday #water #sea #sky #ocean #beach #horizon #travel #s...
Day 469
Think I'll use this one
Took about dozen shots of this Purple Finch before the work truck drove by spookin' it. I'll be adding it to my Bird Poster. #...
Day 474
Great Blue on the Marsh
Wasn't planning on going into town today. Glad I did. #saturday #bird #evening #april #heron #egret #great-blue-heron #aquatic...
Day 500
Big storm
Crazy downpour at dinner. While doing my site check I was able to snap this, my first rainbow of the year. #thursday #bow #rainbow #may
Day 581
Post Rain
Rain CRAZY hard at dinner. A couple of hours later... this. #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #landscape #wood #monday #water #rain #tree #su...
Day 619
Not many left like this
Soon it'll be all snowy and cold and blah. But for now, I've got the autumn. #thursday #outdoors #nature #lake #evening #lands...
Day 646
Sunset over Pontoon
Long day in the field playing with the kids. After dinner I had a couple of minute and snagged this. #october #fall #outdoors #nat...
Day 653
Yup. It's foggy
#morning #october #fall #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #wood #light #wednesday #fog #tree #sun #sky #park #weather #sunset #win...
Day 658
Another Day Begins
Had to get up early today. This sky made it all worthwhile. #morning #october #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #monday #sun #s...
Day 717
Finch on Zone
Bird feeder outside the back door. Need to get out and try some more. #thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #bird #winter #december #on...