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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,584
Truth in Advertising
Day 2,585
Minus Stupid Cold
It reached -37 today. This blue jay wasn't very happy about it.
Day 2,586
Even colder
An even can colder today. Nice day to stay in store and play a game with friends. Now... I just need my friends to show up
Day 2,587
Plus One!!!
After a couple of days of -40 degree weather we hit a high of +1! This black-capped chickadee seemed to enjoy the sudden warm spell.
Day 2,602
Day 2,605
Rabbit holes and barber shops
Years and years ago, I use to get my hair cut at a barber shop in downtown Abbotsford. They had an infinity mirror setup...
Day 2,615
Day 2,618
Day 2,623
Snack Time
Blue Jay enjoying some suet.
Day 2,626
Random Alt-News Propaganda Sheet
Day 2,627
Melancholic reflections
Three years ago "today" (Friday at the end of March break) our last group of students left. The rain we've gotten today as sta...
Day 2,631
American Crow
I've had three crows hanging around the feeder recently. They've all been too skitish to get a picture of... until now. Mind you I was i...
Day 2,639
.... snow...
Poor Red-winged Blackbird caught in a bit of late March snow.
Day 2,642
Just a place to make coffee... But please enjoy it elsewhere.
Day 2,644
Day 2,645
10 years of Soul Adventures
Day 2,647
I don't know much about cars...
... but I know when mine is making odd noises. Was planning on driving back to Sarnia for the long weekend (and to sta...
Day 2,652
Day 2,661
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
First sapsucker of the year.
Day 2,667
Rarely Seen Birds.
Out checking some of my other birding spots around site. Was able to here a Yellow-rumped Warbler and (probably) a Pine Warbler. It...
Day 2,669
Day 2,672
Canadian Danger Cobra
Day 2,673
Squirrel and Turkey
A surprise turkey encounter this morning. Also, another Grey Squirrel showed up.
Day 2,675