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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 3,144
Another Beach Day
And I'm stuck on the Crash. But at least folks are having fun
Day 3,147
Day 3,148
Day 3,151
Something wrong
Err 02....
Day 3,149
Week 8 WALO
Day 3,150
Slow on the Upload
Pictures have been really slow writing to the card. Noticed it yesterday, but it's still happening...
Day 3,152
Mean streets of Haliburton
Day 3,153
We Love Campfire
Day 3,154
Day 3,156
(digital) Highlights of the Week
Day 3,157
Last Beach Party
Day 3,160
Big Dumb Furry Tripping Hazard
Day 3,162
Day 3,161
Cock's Comb (?)
Got back from camp and noticed Dad had an... interesting plant in the garden.
Day 3,167
A day for gaming
Day 3,170
Light and shadow play
Day 3,171
Rock-filled Wired Owl Thing
Day 3,172
Eye glasses are important
Seriously, they are. I really thought this was in better focus
Day 3,175
Ant Acid
Day 3,178
Day 3,181
Quarter Million
Day 3,182
Old stamps
Day 3,183
View from my office
Day 3,184
Random stuff