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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,066
Return of the Cart
Been a long while since we've spotted a Green-sided Golf cart on-site. Today was an okay day.
Day 2,067
My 150-600 sees you! At about a kilometer away at that!
Day 2,068
Day 2,069
Advice from a strip mall basement washroom.
A hand painted sign in the basement of an area mall.
Day 2,070
Day 2,071
No more That old decrepit building out on the 503 is no more. The new question bis, how long will the debris like l...
Day 2,072
Eat and Run
Just a quite day. Well... except for the existential of waking up at 12:04 in the morning fearing that you didn't take a picture for the d...
Day 2,073
Heron on the Creek
I seem to get this picture around this time every year or so. I don't always post it, but none-the-less, take it all the same. Ther...
Day 2,074
Wedding Video
I don't like making videos. It feels like I'm coming shallow and fake. None the less, I made an awkward congratulatory video for a coupl...
Day 2,075
(English) Debate Night in Canada
Tonight I'll be watching TWO English language debates. The first is for the area riding (only found out about it this...
Day 2,076
Just a random shot of my truck because I don't know what to shoot today
Day 2,077
Mean Streets of a Semi Abandoned Camp
A moody desaturated picture. #theme-street-photography
Day 2,078
Just my marsh. Hidden in the picture is a pair of wood ducks
Day 2,079
Double-creasted Cormorant
And with this, I'm tied with last year's total bird count for my little patch of the world; 52 unique species.
Day 2,080
Just the boardroom.
Day 2,081
2 January 2022: I'm doing my annual back-ups and checking of Lightroom Catalogues and noticed several gaps. Fortunately Tookap...
Day 2,082
COVID Test Site
Day 2,083
Sunset at Point on a Mid-September Day
Pretty just what the title says. :)
Day 2,084
Some times...
Some times being a bird is hard. I mean, where's the seed???
Day 2,085
Just a sign on the side of the 121. Tomorrow: Obligatory Election Day Photo.
Day 2,086
Promised Obligatory Election Day Vote
What a morning. Needed to get some blood work done and made a new... 'Friend' isn't the right word; 'Causal acqu...
Day 2,087
Little Mushroom in a Big Forest
Day 2,088
Moody, Wet Forested Road
Just my road, all wet and moody and stuff! #theme-forest
Day 2,089
Rainfall Warning
Loads of rain of late. Enough the the creek is looking more like the Spring Thaw than early fall.