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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 2,676
Cosmic Gunfight at the Cinema
Opening day of the Highlands Cinema! Caught the latest Guardians of the Galaxy movie (mid-credit and after-credit scenes...
Day 2,678
Birds on a branch
An American Goldfinch and a Purple Finch hanging out on a branch.
Day 2,680
FOY: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Crappy cellphone image, but so excited to have these birds back.
Day 2,681
Bird on a Wire
A better picture of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Day 2,682
Purple Finch / White Pine
Day 2,683
White Trillium
Day 2,690
Funny, because it's true!
This is a Toronto Maple Leafs fan waiting for their team to win the cup!
Day 2,694
End of a day
Twelve hours later I'm back on-site. It's cold, and buggy, and I want to sleep.
Day 2,701
Day Late
Should have taken the picture yesterday. Sadly, this trillium is done for the year.
Day 2,702
Second Chance
Found a couple of trilliums! While it's sad to see 'em go, I've always liked this mottled colouring.
Day 2,710
Lady Snapper
Third snapper of the day!
Day 2,732
Dining Halls + Summer Camp + Cheers = MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF EAR SPLITTING NOISE. And joy too.
Day 2,733
Less than a day until the campers arrive.
Day 2,734
Opening Campfire
They're here!
Day 2,737
Brim Hats 4 Life
One of my team wanted a matching hat. One trip into town later and she's all set. Only one question remains: which one is which?
Day 2,741
Opening Campfire: Week 2
Another Sunday Opening Campfire. Still under a total fire ban, but we don't care, we're still going to have a great time!!
Day 2,745
A picture 15 years in the making
The attic of the oak Centre. Never seen this before. Hope to never have to see it again.
Day 2,746
Making of a selfie
Day 2,749
Paper Beads
Day 2,750
Day 2,769
More Campfire Fun
Another opening Campfire! Week 6 is off to a musical start!
Day 2,770
Ending the day at the Quadzilla.
Day 2,772
Runny nose. Cough. Headache. But at least I'm doing better than a colleague with a broken foot. Spent the morning getting blood work done and running...
Day 2,773
Funky Aquafit
Just another day at camp.