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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 2,508
Another Evening Grosbeak
Snowfall and Grosbeak. Been a good day.
Day 2,526
Somethin' to say
Another gloomy day (way to dark). This grosbeak was just expressing his feelings.
Day 2,552
New Year Same Birds
Day 2,687
First picture of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. It was a bit overcast, and the little bird was a bit uncoperative.
Day 2,908
Maybe not/never
Day 216
Will try again
Not happy with this in the least. I don't like the noise (need to lower ISO), don't like the focusing (need to not just jump to infinit...
Day 491
An Unwelcome Sight in May
Snow. Snow is never a pleasant site in May. #office #old #roof #house #tuesday #city #home #window #architecture #building #...
Day 521
Dirty Lens OR Goodbye
Had a BBQ for a recently departed colleague. She didn't die; just doesn't work with us anymore. On the way back home I stopped b...
Day 524
Never Seen That Before
This crow got a deer fly. Like the title says... Never seen that before. #outdoors #nature #bird #evening #sunday #water #anima...
Day 560
Working my way out, one day at a time.
I'm in a rut. Professionally. Personally. Photographically. (Man... that's a lot of Ps.) Today I'm taking my fi...
Day 571
Black-billed magpie
A new bird for me! While trying to find the wedding venue (ceremony is tomorrow) we spotted some magpies hanging out on a fence. S...
Day 576
(False) Lily of the Office
Just a flower by the office. Might do something with this later... but probably won't. #outdoors #nature #evening #light #c...
Day 623
Rare Flamingo in Central Ontario
There's a bit of a waste land on the way into Lindsay. Rumor is that one day we'll see a Walmart or other big box sto...
Day 794
I get it, I live in Canada, snow is something we have to live with. I'm just grumpy because it was almost gone and now... now the Weather Man...
Day 899
Pet Peeves
I've been making a conscious effort to get out more. A couple of years back I would wonder the property after work, interacting with guests...
Day 910
Breaking the Humidity
Been stupid humid that last couple of days. This afternoon storm front certainly did it's best to knock it back some. #fall #out...
Day 916
Too. Many. Damn. Mosquitos!
Let's go out late and shoot stuff. It'll be fun. There's no way there'd be bloody-thirty hellspawn out to ruin your evenin...
Day 950
This doesn't belong here either!
This chopper was busy doing loops around the property today. And doing a very good job at annoying me. #afternoon #sa...
Day 1,010
Boating for SCIENCE!
Heading out on the pontoon boat for one last day of SCIENCE! #morning #october #outdoors #nature #lake #landscape #wood #light #w...
Day 1,032
#thursday #fall #outdoors #nature #afternoon #evening #landscape #wood #light #road #tree #park #leaf #winter #november #travel #conifer #dawn #evergr...
Day 1,048
White-breasted Nuthatch
Feeder Watch Day 1. Didn't see any grosbeaks (yellow Bird from the other day), but did see this Nuthatch. #morning #outdoors #...
Day 1,075
Late Afternoon Fog
Very heavy fog rolled in this afternoon. Kinda made for a a moody picture. #nature #friday #afternoon #lake #landscape #wood #water...
Day 1,077
Last Sunset
At least for a couple of weeks. Heading back to Sarnia to visit the folks for the holidays. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lake #evening #l...
Day 1,265