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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 2,186
Day 2,187
Home is where the water tastes right
Back in Haliburton after a couple of weeks in Southwestern Ontario. It was nice, but it's also nice to get back h...
Day 2,188
Not the Way to End the Year
Sadly, Betty White has passed away. All the jokes about "Sliced Bread being the best thing since Betty White" or the "Quic...
Day 2,189
Air Mail
Needed a picture to thanks someone for a Christmas Card. I think this'll work. Good afternoon, I certainly hope this email finds you and your...
Day 2,190
Been visit Funk Town for a while now. Please don't confuse Funk Town with Funky Town. The latter is a an expression for the simple, repetitive ye...