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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,607
Canada Tiger Swallowtail
Just a butterfly doing butterfly things.
Day 1,624
Just a turtle going for a walk.
Day 1,644
Mourning Dove
Day 1,651
Sunset (because it was too cloudy again this morning)
Day 1,669
Red Breasted Huthatch
Day 1,692
Had an issue with my 6D today; it was only taking pictures at a rate of about one a second. No idea what was wrong, but after I popped open the card p...
Day 1,763
Day 1,801
blue jay
Day 1,830
So, I'm a Sasquatch Now.
Just before Ontario went into its first lockdown back in late March I got a hair cut. My thought, at the time, was how cool w...
Day 1,831
Day 1,838
Essential Service.
Lockdown Adventures continue. Today's installment was all about getting my wash done.
Day 1,852
Low energy
And lower effort.
Day 1,867
Great Backyard Bird Count
Day 1,890
Chains on the Highway
Day 1,902
Sure, they are a common bird... but I rarely get one eating at my feeders. This is maybe only the second time I've actually caught one enjoying t...
Day 1,978
Blue Flag Iris
One of my favourite marsh plants. I think part of my day tomorrow (depending on weather, of course) might include sitting by the wetlan...
Day 2,037
Day 2,048
Day 2,196
Week 2: Passion
Week 2: Passion As part of the Weekly Photo Challenge over on r/clondon52, we were prompted to talk about our passions. So, here we go: * Photography...
Day 2,201
Mug of Happy
Spent an hour or so getting the birds use to the mug. Only this chickadee was brave enough to check it out. Probably going to do more of...
Day 2,231
Who's been eating my suet?
Came out this morning to find the suet cake tossed on the ground. Oh well, it happens. Caught the culprit trying again. May...
Day 2,249
Just a little chickadee waiting for it's turn at the feeders.
Day 2,259
Not Evening Grosbeak "Angery Bird" grumpy, but an old man yelling at kids to keep off his yard kinda grumpy.
Day 2,276
Just a large woodpecker being all loud and noisy.