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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,719
Day 1,785
First (but not really) of the Year
This is the second Hairy Woodpecker of the season. The first was yesterday, but wouldn't you know it... no card in...
Day 1,841
snow on trees
there is a type of snow i absolutely love. It sticks the tops of branches and looks all fluffy and soft. i've never been able to capture...
Day 1,844
Day 1,909
The Inspector
Pileated Woodpecker stopped by early this afternoon to checkout the wooden retaining wall. While it might be old, rotten, and full of bu...
Day 1,964
Day 2,025
Day 2,052
Play in the Basement
Just messing around in the basement. #theme-mono
Day 2,096
Made sure I actually took a pic today.
Day 2,103
The return (to the feeder at least) of my woodpeckers.
Day 2,127
Jay on a Branch
Day 2,193
Notecard Blue
Bit of snow, bit of clouds, and a whole load of jays. Might have a winner here.
Day 2,211
Blue Jay Way
Day 2,262
Another First of the Year
Mourning Doves are back! They had a late departure last year (was still seein' 'em in mid-November) but are right on time fo...
Day 2,344
There's been a bird hanging around the office lately. Cool call and stuff. Finally caught a picture! Almost didn't get it (didn't ha...
Day 2,347
One of Two
... maybe one of more than two. The baby foxes are back behind the office. Looks like my afternoons will be taken up with sitting in the bo...
Day 2,348
Another Fox
Another day, another fox. This little fellow spent about twenty minutes in front of the office. Maybe more to come... I hope. :)
Day 2,381
Pretty enough, I suppose. However I did notice something not great. I've got specs of dust on the sensor. I'll double check tomorrow with a dif...
Day 2,486
Something sort a new
I mean, ya, it's another bird picture (red-breasted nuthatch), but I tried to get a picture of it in flight. This wasn't a Bob Ro...
Day 2,524
An Afternoon of Birds
Day 2,557
Day 2,570
All Caught Up
Only twenty days into the New Year and I've been caught with my pants down... Or at least I have kept on top of uploading photos. Here's...
Day 2,593
Day 2,693
Sing along song
Quick picture of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak singing.