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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 147/365
1 streak
Day 179
After the events of Wednesday I felt it was important to go and support the local volunteer fire department. The fact that supporting them als...
Day 185
Post Fire Training
Last week we lost a building at work. By all estimates we were very lucky; things could have been much worse. Something I team comm...
Day 239
Feeling the Earth Move Under My Feet
But the sky DID NOT come tumbling down (thank goodness). Blasting crew was in today preping the area for a new wa...
Day 240
Getting a Face Lift
New carpeting going on the pontoon boat. Gone is the ugly blue. Now I'll have a dark red. #wednesday #upgrade #repair #pontoon #au...
Day 40
You've Got to Be Kiding Me
Was out and about with the camera club today for the monthly field trip. This month we were just outside of Bancroft to sho...
Day 210
They Play, I Play
Solo canoe course today. I got some okay shots, but I liked this one the best (before playing with it in Lightroom). Post-lightroom....
Day 24
Envious Because I don't Know Better
My office is home to many (MANY) neat things. I keep giant microbes in coffee cup, vintage whiskey bottles, and mi...
Day 133
Cabin in the Woods
I wanted to do some star trails. Unfortunately I didn't have my tripod. No worries, I had a boot! Instead of star trails I figured...
Day 192
Not what I had planned (2)
I wanted a nice HDR panoramic. What I got was a nice HDR. The other photos just didn't work. Something to try again later m...
Day 20
Home Sweet Home: Oak Staff
This is not my finest work. This is not something I would normally share with anyone. This looks like it was taken hastily,...
Day 34
The Secret is Not to Be in a Hurry
Yesterday I headed into town for dinner (it was a long day, and frankly, I deserved it). On my way I stopped off at...
Day 143
Spooky and errie at the same time
Coming up the driveway I noticed a rather heavy fog setting in on the creek. Sadly, the only lens I had with me was...
Day 225
An unfamiliar sight
This year we've been in a fairly nasty drought. Not overly hot (thank goodness), but very dry. Today, walking to the dining hall I...
Day 49
Moon Dogs and Popping Ice
I was hoping to get out and do some astrophotography / landscape shots yesterday. Sadly the full moon and clouds had other i...
Day 54
Painting with Lasers
Question: What do you get when you combine a moose skull with a laser pointer? Answer: Fun. Fun is what you get. I'm going to be...
Day 141
Ya... I can be happy with this.
And truthfully that's all that matter. I have a list of flowers that I always try and shoot each year. Sometimes I get...
Day 197
Evening Paddle
Sometimes all you need to have a good day is to slip your boat in the water and have some fun. #evening #tuesday #water #kayak #july #s...
Day 9
Making Time and Sharing Experiences
I don't live or die by my camera. It is not a tool I use for my livelihood. It's something I do for fun. What I do...
Day 74
Most certainly not a duck.
This is the weekend of my annual trip to Presque'ile Provincial Park to volunteer with the Waterfowl Festival. Arrivwd late...
Day 44
Mimicing as a Tool to Learning
Twice a year I have a school group that comes up for SCIENCE! They get to go out and do different environmental monitor...
Day 123
Light and Shadow and Feeder
Every so often, in the mid to late afternoon, the sun is reflected into the office. Sadly I was on my way out the door to...
Day 8
Why I shoot
Speaking openly and honestly, I'm a very selfish photographer. I shoot for me and me alone. I don't ever plan on selling an image (I would...
Day 154
Yup, you read that right... I called this weak. Mostly because I was chased out of the forest by a swarm of bloody thirsty diptera. I could have...
Day 156
Head Lake, Haliubrton
Out and about last night, picking up stuff I probably didn't need, I happened to be at the right place at the right time. #eveni...