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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 147/365
1 streak
Day 2,196
Week 2: Passion
Week 2: Passion As part of the Weekly Photo Challenge over on r/clondon52, we were prompted to talk about our passions. So, here we go: * Photography...
Day 2,215
Tree Sparrows on the Suet Feeder
Not much to say really (title really does a good job at explaining the photo). Check out Angry McGee on the right.
Day 2,243
Wash / Household
Last couple-a-few days I've been working on my r/clondon52 project-thing. Also been putting off my laundry. Umm... Maybe I can use th...
Day 2,255
High Noon
This week's prompt was to take a picture at high noon. An odd choice, for sure, put it does produce some interesting shadows and shapes. I w...
Day 2,307
This and another
First, let me acknowledge that ya, I've been using the call way too much of late. Anyhow, on with the post: Here is an old school cas...
Day 2,417
New shirt
One of Ritchie's jobs is making t-shirts. Here he is in his latest creation.
Day 2,421
Day 2,423
Other job
When I'm not busy with the fun stuff, I'm often called to do some remote IT-Monkey work. Basically, I know enough to answer basic questions...
Day 2,437
Not today 😢
I was supposed to teach archery today, but the group size shrank. Now I get to take everything down and put away until tomorrow. In the me...
Day 2,448
Town Deer
Doing some laundry before heading back up to Wanakita. Look who was visiting just across the way.
Day 2,463
Or maybe not
Just got asked to fill in for a four-day gig next week.
Day 2,466
Day 2,475
Almost two months
It's been almost two months since I've picked up my 6D. I've been seriously dropping the ball on my whole Stop-Using-My-Cellphone pl...
Day 2,485
Watertreatment Plant
Creepy industrial building, with no lights, in the middle of the deep dark forest, and a vague request for pictures... Ya, no, to...
Day 2,486
Something sort a new
I mean, ya, it's another bird picture (red-breasted nuthatch), but I tried to get a picture of it in flight. This wasn't a Bob Ro...
Day 2,493
Day 2,515
Sicky McSickface
Got my shots yesterday. I'm down for the count. All day just feeling icky.
Day 2,516
Missed the light I wanted. Instead of a really neat nuthatch sitting in some really-really neat light I got this... Feeling a bit better. A mild he...
Day 2,524
An Afternoon of Birds
Day 2,527
Taking Pictures
I was asked how I take my Birds-in-Flight pictures. Basically I've got my camera up on a tripod pointed just to the right of the bird...
Day 2,552
New Year Same Birds
Day 2,555
I feel ya man...
Crappy weather kinda day. This Red Squirrel wasn't having any of it.
Day 2,194
Press the Shutter
Okay, so, important note: In order to make a photo you need to press the shutter. Willing it to go isn't enough; one must put the ph...
Day 2,213
Low effort ≠ No effort
Up at 5:30 this morning for a two hour drive into the city. A couple-a-few hours or so of 'Hurry Up and Wait', followed by some...