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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 265/365
1 streak
Day 1,829
Polaroid Colorpack 80
Another day, another camera of old. Today it's the very first camera I ever bought, a Polaroid Colorpack 80. I bought this camer...
Day 1,858
Some Bird Nerd Fun
Earlier today I made a post about how my birds seem to empty out one feeder before starting on the other (they are side-by-side). S...
Day 1,860
Coffee in the Afternoon Kinda Day
Day 1,873
Not a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers
So, today, my colleague was out on the grounds and sent me a photo. A pair of Pileated Woodpeckers were doing there...
Day 1,897
Red-wing Blackbird
Spring is here! I mean, sure, everything is still under about a mile of snow and ice, but my spring time birds are here!
Day 1,912
Day 1,948
Day 2,012
Box of Random Things
Day 2,018
Today's Adventures in Life: $0.58
A story from yesterday, but didn't feel like posting it: This morning I received a notice from Scotiabank about a pr...
Day 2,023
Day 2,031
Two new Smiley-faces
Long drive today, five hours and change. Stupid drivers in stupid cities. So much m'eh.... Bright side: found two new Smiley-face...
Day 2,053
White Water Lily and other things
So. Earlier this year ...or maybe it was last year... I joined the Green Party of Canada. For a couple of bucks I go...
Day 2,089
Rainfall Warning
Loads of rain of late. Enough the the creek is looking more like the Spring Thaw than early fall.
Day 2,092
Last Day on Little Redstone.
What a crazy couple-a-few days. Two capsized canoes (one that I got to effect the rescue), early starts (up at 4:45am, on...
Day 2,120
Was gonna shoot at the feeders this morning (even set-up a little mini-studio) but didn't get anything too exciting. Heard some ducks out o...
Day 2,197
[Preface: Heavy editing in Lightroom (shadows, highlights, dehaze, contrast, probably more) in order to bring out my question] I don't expect any...
Day 2,224
In coming
Okay, so not a pine grossbeak. And not even a good exposure or focus, but still kinda cool.
Day 2,228
Not Pines, put still a welceom visit
Nope, these aren't the Pine Grosbeaks that have been hanging around the area. This trio of Evening Grosbeaks are...
Day 2,232
Ready for my close-up
Day 2,253
March Melt
First really solid melt of the year.
Day 2,254
A bit of a damp day, but the birds game out.
Day 2,267
The Idea is there, but not the composition
When Red-winged blackbirds call they'll show off their red epaulettes. It only last a second or so. If you...
Day 2,282
Spring Yard Crew
With the weather picking up some, it was time to get the landscapers in for some Spring Cleaning. This one spent most of the afternoo...
Day 2,286
Noisy Bird
Someone either really pissed this crow off or it was really wanting to be a jerk.