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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 256/365
3 streak
Day 1,168
One of two
There are couple of old foundations along the way to and from Peterborough. For the last decade or so I've been meaning to shoot them. Toda...
Day 1,169
Yesterday's fresh snow is today's frosted prints
Got back from Duckfest yesterday to some fresh snow on the ground. This morning the tracks had melted...
Day 1,170
Sunset on the Side of the Road
Coming back from town today and caught this sunset. Yeah me!
Day 1,171
Take a picture of food
Colleague needed some food pictures for a presentation. Hope this works.
Day 1,172
Day 1,173
Day 1,174
Day 1,175
Day 1,176
Day 1,177
Day 1,178
Day 1,179
It happens. Doesn't mean I'm okay with it. Last couple of days I've been feeling sick. Got the chills, not hungry, got the aches. Doctor Joe is p...
Day 1,180
Not a Redwing Blackbird
Didn't have my camera out in time to shoot the blackbirds today. Guess some chickadees will do.
Day 1,181
Underground Passage
What a day. Up at 4:00am, out the door by 4:20. Throwing up in a McDonald's parking lot by 6:00. Offloading equipment at the CNE g...
Day 1,182
Project Feederwatch: Last Day
Project Feederwatch: Last Day Last day for me and Feederwatch for the 2019 season. Seventeen different species this time around, including a new one (...
Day 1,183
The Foot
End of the day shot at the end of the driveway.
Day 1,184
Day 1,185
Fresh-faced smiley
Coming back from Lindsay today, after not buying a new camera (one part self-restraint, five parts the camera not being in), I spot...
Day 1,186
Bag of Learning
Day 1,187
Downtown Montreal
In Montreal for the weekend to catch the game tomorrow night. Haven't been here in almost forty years or so.
Day 1,188
What a game!
Day 1,189
So long
And thanks for the memories.
Day 1,190
Day 1,191
Yup, that white streak at the top of the frame is snow. I'VE HAD ENOUGH BLOODY SNOW!!! I mean... yeah.... snow... :(