Coming back from Lindsay today, after not buying a new camera (one part self-restraint, five parts the camera not being in), I spotted a new Smiley Heart.
It's been about a year or so since my last one... kinda nice to find another.
*** Update / More information ***
Back in 2014 I started to notice smiley-hearts in the town of Kinmount (about 20km or so from me). They had been there for a while (I guess), but I hadn't really paid 'em any attention.
One day I decided to make a bit of a photo project out them. Nothing too serious, just documenting where I've seen the smiley-face. I've noticed several different variations:
- Stickers (big / small, red / yellow)
- Cut out (yellow corrugated plastic)
- White Sheets (white rectangle corrugated plastic with the word "Love" under the heart)
- Graffiti: Either ink or paint on posts, buildings, or wood
I've personally have found these Smiley-hearts in and around Haliburton County, Peterborough, Lindsay, Bancroft, and Toronto. Friends have seen them also out near Killarney Provincial Park.
A bit of Google-fu I learned a bit of who was doing this, a Toronto-based artist named Gregory Alan Elliott.
I was asked to share other pictures I have of the Hearts, enjoy!
"First in a couple of years; the return of the smiley heart face."
"2/3 Photographed"
Jennifer If you have your previous one on tookapic, can you link to it? Is there a story behind them, or are they just recognizable to you?