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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 173/365
2 streak
Day 2,628
Clip On Sunglass Filter
Just messing around on the driveway. Held my low-tech clip-on sunglasses over the cellphone's lens. (My high-tech automagic ey...
Day 2,629
Just another day of putting random things in front of my lens. Today: a spotting scope
Day 2,630
Day 2,631
American Crow
I've had three crows hanging around the feeder recently. They've all been too skitish to get a picture of... until now. Mind you I was i...
Day 2,632
Suet for you.
This winter I used a fairly generic suey cake (Suet Plus). It was pretty cheap too (like, maybe $2.00 a cake). Last week I ran out and t...
Day 2,633
Something strange.
Either those are some Auroras, or there's something strange happening over Koshlong.
Day 2,634
And that's a Red-winged Blackbird
Another sign that spring is coming And another sign I should keep my big camera by the feeders.
Day 2,635
Red-winged Blackbird
Crappy weather, this bird is not having any of it. #theme-springtime
Day 2,636
Evening Grosbeak
Sunny afternoon for this male grosbeak to enjoy.
Day 2,637
Something a bit different
Day 2,638
Common Grackle
Spring must be near, the grackles are starting to show up. Also: One year away from 3,000 pictures.
Day 2,639
.... snow...
Poor Red-winged Blackbird caught in a bit of late March snow.
Day 2,640
So very frustrated!
The damned squirrels have learned how to bypass the baffler! Now I need to figure out: A) how they are doing it and, B) how to sto...
Day 2,641
Probably not the safest idea.
Went to see the new Dungeons & Dragons movie. The roads were awful on my way in. Probably should have turned around and...
Day 2,642
Just a place to make coffee... But please enjoy it elsewhere.
Day 2,643
Sharp-shinned Hawk?
I don't know my raptors really well. I'm leaning towards the hawk for this one (mostly because the internet-people think so.) Coul...
Day 2,644
Day 2,645
10 years of Soul Adventures
Day 2,646
Ice and Thunder
Woke up to thunder rumblings. The trees and feeder were laden with ice. Thunder and lightning throughout the day.
Day 2,647
I don't know much about cars...
... but I know when mine is making odd noises. Was planning on driving back to Sarnia for the long weekend (and to sta...
Day 2,648
Day 2,649
Day 2,650
Hairy Woodpecker
Day 2,651
Update: Heard back from the mechanic this morning. Ball-joints, front-end suspension, and struts all shot. Oh, and I have an leaky exhaust. Da...