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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 171/365
3 streak
Day 1,924
Day 1,930
Been trying to get a picture of the grackles doing their display. Finally got one today! Tomorrow... something different... maybe even a Rust...
Day 1,940
Purple Finch
Day 1,942
American Robin
Took a bunch of odd bird pictures today; Wood Ducks, Loons, Yellow-belly Sapsucker... and even a Yellow-rumped warbler (a first for thi...
Day 2,212
Digging in the Snow
One of the challenges for the local bird population is coping with the shoveling that takes place. Here's a jay digging through a...
Day 403
The Canadian Chore
I haven't been out since an ice storm earlier this week. Sadly I also haven't scrapped my car in over a week. Half an hour of runni...
Day 761
Forgot to Fill the Feeder
But at least this guy was pretty chill about it. Once I had a coffee in me, however, I did get the feeder restocked. #mornin...
Day 784
Black Capped Chickadee
Right lens, right time, right subject. Heck... even the right light. I'll call that a win for today! #outdoors #nature #afterno...
Day 802
Tonight We Sleep
Made it to Presque'ile in good time. Caught up with a colleague from my Park's Days. Took a picture of Rochester from across Lake Ont...
Day 834
American Goldfinch
Winter is still here. Even if my goldfinches are starting to show some colour. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #food #bird #tuesday #c...
Day 848
Moose on the Loose
For the last couple-a-few days we've been seeing a cow and calf hanging by a small pond along the driveway. Today I was able to get...
Day 958
American Goldfinch
Been watching some Youtube video on shooting songbirds. Decided to try sitting up some perches around the feeders. I still need to...
Day 1,113
Cold snap. Gotta chance to get out (briefly) and shoot. Next couple-a-few days I'll be out of town for work. I'll miss my birds whil...
Day 1,505
Great Backyard Bird Count
Another day, another day of counting birds. #theme-slices-of-life
Day 1,725
Attempt One
A small river on the driveway. I'll try to revisit... but there is also a moose on site, so I might post that instead.
Day 1,798
Blue Jay
Had some surprise visitors at the feeder today. A pair of Evening Grosbeaks made an appearance. Sure, I got some pictures, but more for recor...
Day 1,828
Hairy Woodpecker
First (half) day back at work. Scanning bills, updating reports, and enjoying the 10 o’clock maintenance meeting (read: coffee break)...
Day 1,833
A quite weekend
Sometimes, it's very important to me to spend a weekend without talking much. It's all the easier to do so when there is no one around...
Day 1,845
Flock of Evening Grosbeaks
Remember the other day, when I said that I should come up with a new project? Yeah… that’s totally not happened yet. Maybe...
Day 1,913
Lazy Morning for All
Even my fox is having a lazy morning. Just that sort of day I guess.
Day 2,040
Just Be
In this case, just be the squirrel.
Day 631
Clouds and Stars
Another night shot. Should have moved further over to the east (better foreground). #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #light #gal...
Day 656
Morning on the Marsh
One of the things I love most about this time of the year is that sunrise is at a (more or less) respectable hour. I was up at 7a...
Day 803
Lone Redhead
Had much better chance at this earlier in the day. Didn't take it. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #duck #lake #bird #water #sea #...