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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 256/365
3 streak
Day 1,192
Not an Otter
Spent about half an hour this evening shooting an otter. While it was fun, I only managed one okay (not good, just okay) shot. I'll share...
Day 1,193
Just a pic
Out driving today and figured I'd stop at Furnace Falls. Think I might try this again later.
Day 1,194
Double Digits!
The temperature hit 13 degrees today! Practically summer!
Day 1,195
Chippy in the Shade
Warm(ish) day. Chipmunk chilling by the feeder.
Day 1,196
Brown-headed Cowbird
Not the sexiest or coolest bird around. Not even the flashiest one today (heard a Sandhill out on the marsh...) But this was for...
Day 1,197
Morning walk in the... snow.
Stupid snow. At least I've got a group of students coming in today.
Day 1,198
Another for the Christmas Collection
Karen's birthday, so of course that means cake at lunch. Also, I love the (mildly) goofy face in the background.
Day 1,199
Long Lens on the Marsh
Got out for a bit this afternoon with the camera. Still no sandhills, but I managed an okay landscape. I both love and hate thi...
Day 1,200
Day 1,201
First Try of the Season
Seasonal waterfall is back again. A bit rushed today... but tomorrow is a new day.
Day 1,202
High Levels at Furnace Falls
Flood conditions all over the place. Believe it or not, there is a set of rapids in this photo. In a couple-a-few weeks I...
Day 1,203
Right Gear, Right Time
Spent a good part of day just walking about the site. Sat on a rock and chilled with a muskrat... even managed a pretty okay sh...
Day 1,204
Not a Waterfall
I was out hoping to shoot some more of my little annual falls. Too late. Instead, I shot this beaver lodge. Look carefully and you'll...
Day 1,205
Really wasn't planning on shooting this today. Especially first thing in the morning. Most days I don't really plan what I'm going to shoot. Su...
Day 1,206
And sometimes the picutre finds you.
A not so good day. Stressed, overwhelmed, pressure from so many different sources. Just an all-round crappy kinda...
Day 1,207
Ice in the Bay
Still got ice in the bay. But maybe soon it'll be cleared out.
Day 1,208
Small heart attack had.
Came out of the movies and thought my car had been stolen. Nope, just on the other side of the van.
Day 1,209
Seriously... Snow.
Not how I wanted to wake up. At least it was mostly done by the end of the day.
Day 1,210
Oak Reno
Just a picture of the on going renovation around site. This'll probably show up in the slide show later. Not what made today awesome. No, tha...
Day 1,211
The Day Before Tomorrow
Training starts in a little over 11 hours. My team has mostly assembled (one more that won't be here until in of May). It's go...
Day 1,212
A friendly reminder...
You've got this.
Day 1,213
Trail Lunch a Damp Cold Day
Staff Training Day 2. Spent all afternoon outside. It was wet, cold (averaged around 2 degrees... thank god now snow), and...
Day 1,214
All Staff
Day Three. All Staff Training. It's always a bit of a struggle to get all the departments out for training. While they gripe and moan about...
Day 1,215
American Bittern
Finally took a picture of the bittern! It's not the greatest. It's not the best. But it is mine!