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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 256/365
3 streak
Day 1,216
Stick up the butt?
Last Day of Training. Today at the high ropes course I had something... very odd happen. A woodpecker (yellow-bellied sapsucker) la...
Day 1,217
Lost Whistle
Training is over. And someone forgot their whistle.
Day 1,218
One. More. Day.
One. More. Day.
Day 1,219
Maple Flowers
It arrived today! My new macro lens. I probably shouldn't have spent the money on it, but you know... I'm a (sort of) responsible adult...
Day 1,220
Tripod Needed
Yup... need a tripod if I'm going to do this macro stuff.
Day 1,221
Takin' the canoe in for a tune up
Raven, one of our three 10-person canoes is getting a tune up before the start of the season.
Day 1,222
Queen of Hearts
Another day another macro. This time on a tripod, with a low ISO, and longer exposure. And who said learning couldn't be fun?
Day 1,223
World's Smallest Book Store
Took the new staff to the movies tonight. Stopped by the World's Smallest Book Store.
Day 1,224
Day 1,225
Day 1,226
Colder than it looks
Waterfront Training today. While the clouds did part for a bit, it was still cold. Like really cold. Like "I have made some reall...
Day 1,227
Wet and Muddy
Games Day training. Can't really remember what the game was... some form of tag or such... none the less shortly after I hit the shutter...
Day 1,228
This. This is Why.
This. This is Why. A couple of weeks ago I spent a pretty penny on a new macro lens. Since then I've been feel doubt about if I made the right decisio...
Day 1,229
Rose-breasted Grossbeak
So many birds today! #grossbeak
Day 1,230
Day 1,231
Duty and Play
Heading over to socialize with the kids. Don't want to, but they do. So we compromise, and I go... but only for a bit.
Day 1,232
new day, new flowers
White Trilliums are starting to come out.
Day 1,233
Theatre Three
Day 1,234
Always getting the wrong name.
Every year I have to relearn the name of this trillium. I want to call it a Stripped Trillium, but in fact it's a Paint...
Day 1,235
What do you see?
Young people having a good time, or one of the best damn teams of professionals? Sure, I'm more than a little biased, these folks are...
Day 1,236
Day 1,237
Day 1,238
Not the Macro I wanted
But the blackflies were just too bad this evening.
Day 1,239
Cameras: Because don't always go where you want.
Need to check the port on the ceiling-mounted projector. Cellphone camera to the rescue! Also: no goo...