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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 1,970
Need to get closer... but not *too* close.
Need to get closer... but not too close. Shot this from about... I dunno... 20m maybe? I'm really bad at guessing measurements. Mosquitos were out so...
Day 1,971
Post-Bear Results.
Shortly before 4am this morning a black bear got in touch with its inner bird. Sadly, two feeders were destroyed (an update from ea...
Day 1,972
Nice quite day... except for the generator going off (stupid power outage) and a certain sapsucker playing at telegraph opporator.
Day 1,973
Making the most of what you've got
In my case: Cool ducks (Wood Ducks), pleasant background lighting, fading light, and ducks that are just too damn f...
Day 1,974
Fox Season
If past experiences count for anything, Fox Season is upon us. Less bird pictures and more baby foxes are in the future. But not today... T...
Day 1,975
Eastern Phoebe
'nother day, 'nother bird. Sadly, no hummingbirds yet. According to the Provincial Government Hummingbird Feeders aren't 'essential' en...
Day 1,976
no time, here's a goose. now to watch hockey. Go Habs Go!
Day 1,977
Turtle Season
Snappers and Painteds have been out doing their thing the last few days.
Day 1,978
Blue Flag Iris
One of my favourite marsh plants. I think part of my day tomorrow (depending on weather, of course) might include sitting by the wetlan...
Day 1,979
With a bee
Mostly an overcast and hazy day. But here's a bee hanging out with an iris.
Day 1,980
Day 1,981
It's bad luck to be superstitious.
At least that's what my Dad always says. What does this have to do with with stunning Blanding's Turtle? Absolutely...
Day 1,982
Unrelated Updates and Rambling.
First: We swept Winnipeg to take the North Division! Not sure how far my Canadiens are gonna make it, bit it's already...
Day 1,983
Fox Season!
I'm fairly certain I spooked some foxes yesterday while heading out for a walk. Makes since; the last two years, around this time, is when...
Day 1,984
Not my Virtue
Waiting isn't my strong suit. Spent an hour wait for the puppies to show up. Might have heard 'em, but might not have as well. Here's a...
Day 1,985
Out for a walk and stumbled across a Geocache.
Day 1,986
While I was heading out I came across this grouse (forest chicken) sitting in the middle of the road. Did my errands and who did I f...
Day 1,987
Another Day of Waiting
Spooked to foxes yesterday. Spent a couple of hours waiting. Still nothing on camera. Here's a woodpecker (Yellow-bellied Sapsu...
Day 1,988
Blue Jay
No story, just another Blue Jay Monday.
Day 1,989
Feather I found on the road yesterday.
Day 1,990
Sorry but not sorry.
I'm conflicted. The other day in a community Facebook group, a First-Time cottage renter asked a question about the fire ban. The...
Day 1,991
Cheap Streak Shot...
... but much calmer mood today, so I'll allow it.
Day 1,992
Second Shot
Got my second shot of AstraZeneca today. Now just gotta wait two weeks before I let folks start coughing on me again... ...or maybe 'no' t...
Day 1,993
Moo Cows