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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 266/365
1 streak
Day 1,333
Training Continues.
Tiana trying her hand at the Long Tension Traverse.
Day 1,347
Day 1,362
Last Movie...?
It's getting late in the year for the local cinema. Might only be catching one more movie here until May of next year. Always bitter sw...
Day 1,382
Cold, damp, and dreary
Nothing more to sat than that really.
Day 1,393
Dawn in the marsh.
In early today and caught this before the fog rolled in.
Day 1,394
All Day Standby
Late start for work today, which was probably for the best (alarm/phone) didn't go off this morning). Been preparing most of the day f...
Day 1,400
Sad results after the time change
By the time I was done work for the day it was too dark to go and shoot. Sad really. Instead of some intentional pho...
Day 1,430
I'm conflicted. I don't know what picture to share. So, with the power of Photoshop, I'm going to share the two I'm proud of. Top is a wol...
Day 1,447
Home for the holidays.
Day 1,452
Just a book shelf at the folks place.
Day 1,481
Friday night curling was a slugfest. In the 8th end, we ended up tying. While not the win we would have liked, it certainly was a good game.
Day 1,484
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
I don't do many concerts. But this is one I'm excited for. I wasn't able to get tickets to their Washington DC show back 2018, now......
Day 1,487
Working Hard
Another day, another job fair. One of our neighbors had a cotton candy machine. My colleague was able to grab a... ... What do you a unit...
Day 1,492
Big Wheel
Check out this big wheel with it's chain.
Day 1,494
Spent the night up amd down, like a yoyo. Spent the rest of the night with the chills. Got into the office before tapping out. Spent seven hours...
Day 1,530
New Tool
Word came down from head office today. Covid-19 screenings are to begin for all visitors to the property. Here is a moody and edgy picture of...
Day 1,537
That's it, that's all
Layoffs are now in effect. We had a wee gathering before shutting down.
Day 1,570
Simple Grackle
Just that, a simple picture of a grackle in a tree.
Day 1,579
Tune up
Day 1,596
White Trillium.
First of the year to be fully bloomed. The Reds are coming along nicely and, pretty soon I should think, the Painteds will be out as w...
Day 1,618
End Date... maybe
A little while back I posted a very similar image to this. It's part of a COVID-19 project I'm working on (a selfie each day after w...
Day 1,630
Took a picture of a turkey.
But obviously this isn't a turkey. No, this is a pair of leaves growing out of a birch log that was cut sometime last autu...
Day 1,632
Day 1,653
Some flowers
What a mess of a day. Here are some flowers. Tomorrow I'll put some effort into it.