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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 267/365
1 streak
Day 1,666
Dirt Pig
In all the quietness here, it's nice to have a groundhog stop by ti check up on things.
Day 1,665
Kinda Moody
Which is fitting, as I had a nasty headache most of the day.
Day 1,668
Christmas is Coming
And I'm woefully behind on my end of year slide show. Better get some more... Here's one of Michal and Harold getting ready to tak...
Day 1,673
We had some weather yesterday. A twister touched down in Kinmount, no reports of any injuries. Halfway between here and Kinmount is an old, ab...
Day 1,676
You might never have the courage to ask...
... so here's a crappy picture of a Belted Kingfisher so you don't have to. Your welcome. I'm building a th...
Day 1,686
Last Day of Pandemic Coffee
At the beginning of the lockdown, I picked up a tin of coffee. It only took five months to finish it on my own. Probably c...
Day 1,695
New Sign at the Office
And with this sign we now have infinity more accessible parking.
Day 1,705
More renovations around site.
Day 1,708
Not many folks like the results of tent caterpillars. The nests aren't pretty and they can leave a tree bare. But even the ugly ought to be shown...
Day 1,735
Day 1,760
13 Years Later
When I first interviewed for the camp I stayed in a motel. Thirteen years later, I'm back in the same motel... but a different room.
Day 1,764
Keeping on Going
Another day of driving in to camp. a week and a bit more to go.
Day 1,781
Another one gone...
Had another colleague put on layoff today. This place is feeling more and more doomed.
Day 1,786
Happy Holidays
Getting some prints made. Made the trip into town to get four of my birds printed. Sadly I was a dumbass and forgot to check my ratios....
Day 1,878
Another new phone
Time to switch providers. Time for a new phone. Also: here's a picture of my car stuck in a snow bank.
Day 1,889
Lazy Sunday.
Day 1,925
Boosting the Genny
Lost power this morning and the generator didn't kick in. Turns out we had to boost it. New battery has been ordered.
Day 1,966
Cell Phone Field Picture
Heading into town and didn't want to leave my camera in the car. Saw another Blanding's in one of the marshes. Photo, GPS, ti...
Day 1,989
Feather I found on the road yesterday.
Day 2,004
Game 2
Down... But not out.
Day 2,029
Fledgling Phoebe
Day 2,043
Unexpected Smils
Coming back from Minden today and what do I spy? Another Smiley Heart sticker. What 3 Words: relished.ledges.evoked
Day 2,050
Been about thirty or so years
It's been about 30 years, give it take, since I've seen a caboose in the wild. I remember hearing that they were being p...
Day 2,056
Dragonfly Photobomb
Sunset shot with an unexpected guest or two.