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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 256/365
3 streak
Day 1,264
Zombie Hot-dog
One in the morning and out checking on my team. Saw this undead processed meat-tube.
Day 1,265
Day 1,266
The End
In the next day or so Birch Cabin is scheduled to be torn down. While it's always sad to see a building go, in it's place will be a new and fr...
Day 1,267
Day 1,268
Day 1,269
What a shitshow.
Warning: Rant and Vent ahead... I've written this entry about four or five times now. I rant and bitch and whine about how my team......
Day 1,270
Another for the Holiday Season
The company Christmas party isn't for another several months, but the collecting of embarrassing staff photos continue....
Day 1,271
Day 1,272
Jasper-Dog Comes for a visit.
It's always a treat when Jasper visits.
Day 1,273
Day 1,274
Happy Canada Day
Day 1,275
Bought a new fitness tracker three weeks back. A Garmin vivofit 3. It's a fairly basic device, but it's doing it's job. #theme-fitness
Day 1,276
Day 1,277
Not much of a car guy...
... or a bike guy. ... or a whatever this thing is guy. But, man, does it look fun. Based on my incredible investigative skil...
Day 1,278
Day 1,279
Out for a Walk
In town for a bit this afternoon. What better place to rack-up some more steps. About two and a half kilometers later I'm done all my e...
Day 1,280
Day 1,281
This picture doesn't do it justice. Literally five or six hit with every arm swing.
Day 1,282
Day 1,283
Just a sign of times
Day 1,284
Day 1,285
Day 1,286
Apparently this is a thing now.
Day 1,287