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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 264/365
1 streak
Day 1,994
Four $5 bills with sequential serial numbers. Edit... Ya, just noticed that it's only three in a row. I wonder were *3 is?
Day 1,995
Field of Flowers
Just some daisies down by the marsh.
Day 1,996
Channeling my inner squirrel.
Just that kind of day I guess.
Day 1,997
4 - 1 to take the Series Lead 3-2
Last night my Habs played good hockey. Or at least they played better than the other team. Tomorrow is Game Six. If...
Day 1,998
Emergency Building Blocks
Earlier this week one of my former colleagues home caught fire. The digital hat has been passed around, but sometimes you ne...
Day 1,999
Spices of Life
Day 2,000
Been waiting for the humidity to break. And it finally has.
Day 2,001
Lines are being drawn
And Sock Monkey is clearly supporting Canada's Team. #OuiBelieve #GoHabsGo
Day 2,002
Same spot, same time, year later
another sunset from Bark Lodge. Didn't even realize I had repeated myself until just now.
Day 2,003
Here one plant that I haven't killed yet. In fact, it's even flowering.
Day 2,004
Game 2
Down... But not out.
Day 2,005
That time if the year again.
Out checking for a trail access point. Deer flies are still deadly. Not as an intimidating a photo as years previous, but...
Day 2,006
Not the Plan
the Purple Finches have been hanging out a lot recently. Suited up in my armour (bug jacket) and went out shooting. Instead a Ruby-throat...
Day 2,007
I mean, why not...
The groundhog has been bringing in fresh bedding all day. Wonder if he knows something I don't.
Day 2,008
I am a small, petty, jerk...
...and I'm okay with that. Between Thursday evening and this afternoon someone took it upon themselves to put up this sig...
Day 2,009
One of two Smiley Hearts that have been renewed. I'll share the other next time I'm in town
Day 2,010
Renewed Two
This one was originally put up on or abouts 8 September 2015. There is a THIRD renewal to share also! It'll be up soon enough.
Day 2,011
3 of 4
Another Day, Another Smiley. There is a FOURTH one on the back of this sign. If anyone is out in the Haliburton Highlands, you can find it at:...
Day 2,012
Box of Random Things
Day 2,013
An open letter
To whom this may concern, I would like to begin by saying ‘I’m sorry for all you’ve suffered and gone through’. I would like to empathi...
Day 2,014
Less Angry / More Amused
So, ya... yesterday I was angry. Today... not so much. Along the driveway there is a pull off just south of the creek. Folks...
Day 2,015
Day 2,016
birds of a feather
All I need now is something with green feather and I'd have the makings of a traffic light.
Day 2,017
Rain Day Lilies