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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 267/365
1 streak
Day 1,963
The Season of Blood and Pain
Also known as Blackfly Season. Plans to go out looking for Red and Painted Trilliums fell apart... FAST. Swarmed by bitin...
Day 1,985
Out for a walk and stumbled across a Geocache.
Day 1,991
Cheap Streak Shot...
... but much calmer mood today, so I'll allow it.
Day 1,994
Four $5 bills with sequential serial numbers. Edit... Ya, just noticed that it's only three in a row. I wonder were *3 is?
Day 2,001
Lines are being drawn
And Sock Monkey is clearly supporting Canada's Team. #OuiBelieve #GoHabsGo
Day 2,003
Here one plant that I haven't killed yet. In fact, it's even flowering.
Day 2,008
I am a small, petty, jerk...
...and I'm okay with that. Between Thursday evening and this afternoon someone took it upon themselves to put up this sig...
Day 2,022
Aborted Adventure in the Afternoon
Was going to take a drive town the Milburn. Stupid flooding.
Day 2,026
What have YOU done?
Watching the news this morning and caught an interview with Jordan Konek(L) and Kowisa Arlooktoo(R), who will be hosting the Olymp...
Day 2,033
Day 2,058
Board Play
Sometimes, when I have a plan for a photo, I get distracted and end up just taking something silly so that I can play around with oddness i...
Day 2,065
If chipmunks were as big as they sound, they'd be a meter and a half tall.
Day 2,085
Just a sign on the side of the 121. Tomorrow: Obligatory Election Day Photo.
Day 2,098
Pholiota aurivella
Mushroom growing out of a birch.
Day 2,105
Rainy Day Visitors
A damp, wet, and cool Saturday say a group of four crows stop by for a visit. Only three wanted/tolerated getting photographed.
Day 2,109
Winter is Coming
Trucks getting a pre-season checkup.
Day 2,113
Rainbow Road
Thought I uploaded this yesterday. I didn't, apparently.
Day 2,122
Mechanical Cabar Toss
Or maybe not ... Actually, it's the long awaited installation of the new pole for fiber optic.
Day 2,132
Small world
Thus morning, while consuming some social media content, I learned of an interesting acquaintances connection. I turns out one of my furlo...
Day 2,138
The Other Project Continues...
You'd think that taking an extra picture every Tuesday and Thursday wouldn't be a problem. We'll it is. Often I'll forg...
Day 2,156
401 at Simcoe
Day 2,158
No such luck
Was hoping for a nice sunset tonight. I figured the new snow and whatnot would look good. Took an early photo (this one) to test on. Sadl...
Day 2,163
Year's Weather in a Day
#theme-slices-of-life Wet snow over night. Wet melting snow today. Nice and Sunny come afternoon. At twenty after seven I've g...
Day 2,170
Urban Sunset