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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 256/365
3 streak
Day 1,288
Day 1,289
This is why.
When I started with Tookapic a billion years ago, I did the whole Tell-Us-About-Yourself bit. One of things I've tried to answer is "Why...
Day 1,290
Day 1,291
Day 1,292
Read and Weep fools!
I'm the WORLDS okayest Program Manager!!! I've even got the mug to prove it!!
Day 1,293
RockstAR 2019
Day 1,294
Birch Cabin's Last Day
Tomorrow we tear down this fifty-some-odd year old building. Unfortunately Birch isn't safe anymore. First thing tomorrow morni...
Day 1,295
Like something out of Jurassic Park
And so Birch was demo'ed today. The site is cleaned up. The only trace of the building that was is a bit of distur...
Day 1,296
Day 1,297
Day 1,298
One Friend Up for a Visit
One day I’ll share the story of my “One Friend”. But for now I’ll just share this and smile.
Day 1,299
Missed Bus and Missed Friend(s)
Day 1,300
D'ont Poke the Bear
Got in late last night after driving my friends to the train station. When I checked in I was told to go and check my office. A bo...
Day 1,301
It's been a rough couple of days. Mist of the time it's felt like I've just been going through the motions of being me. Nothing seems to be work...
Day 1,302
Didn't Poke It...
But I certainly cracked it open.
Day 1,303
Watching some American reality TV with the kids. During commercials I get out and do my steps. One lap (down to the maintenance yard and back is...
Day 1,304
Day 1,305
The Rebuild Continues
Walls are going up at Birch. The trusses arrived today as well. Tomorrow the roof starts to go up.
Day 1,306
A differ streak
Fifty-four says of getting my steps in. Even when I go into town to catch a movie.
Day 1,307
Some days you just need to attack a giant bowl of jello.
Day 1,308
A photo of a photo of a photo
Because sometimes you need to quickly make a note.
Day 1,309
Canoe at the MNR dam. And so many bugs.
Day 1,310
Roll over, shoot, back to sleep
Almist missed my shot pic for the day. Ya, it's a lame streak photo.
Day 1,311
Toy Truck and a Decrepit Building
I've driven past this building weekly for the last 12 or so years. Not sure how much longer it'll be standing, so I...