It's been a rough couple of days. Mist of the time it's felt like I've just been going through the motions of being me.
Nothing seems to be working for me. My team is a mess. My (physical) life is equally a mess. I know this is a cliche, but it's been feeling like I have know control over my life and worse still... no desire to rein control. It sucks.
And then I got to take this picture.
The owner is up this weekend for his grandmother's 97th birthday.
At first my feelings were along the line of "Great, just one more opportunity for life to take a sh*t on me. One more headache for me to deal with." But, whatever, there's a job to do and damn it it's going to get done.
My job this morning: take them out on the boat for some fishing. Fine. I can do that.
And then this moment.
Look at their smiles. Looks at the joy and happiness and the sense of excitement and adventure and accomplishment.
He didn't catch a fish... no, he got his fish. And I was able to help.
My life is still a mess, but even in the mess there are things that can make me smile and appreciate the things around me.
#fishing #smiles #accomplishment
Audie Hang in there, Joe. At times like these I just hunker down and weather the storm. It will pass. In the meantime, Take every smile you can get.