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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 267/365
1 streak
Day 121
The most wonderful place at work
I'm not a fan of Arts and Crafts generally speaking; it's just not my thing. However, I absolutely love our A&C Build...
Day 134
Something for the Twitter
One of my projects at work is the revamping / codification of our Social Media platforms. Some we use on a very regular basi...
Day 161
Basking on the Sidewalk
Saw this little guy this afternoon sitting on the sidewalk soaking up the sun. #morning #monday #baby #turtle #june #reptile #...
Day 191
Teaching my hobby
This morning I had the opportunity to take a group of kids into the forest amd share my (limited) knowledge of photography. #lake #w...
Day 204
Happy Kayaker
During the fire we lost our fleet of kayak (spoiler: kayaks melt in high heat). Less than a week later we had them replace, in no small...
Day 209
Because it's easier to use the phone
Trying to fix a door stopper. The leg keeps falling down when the door is being closed. The Solution: tighten the...
Day 217
Second Night
No luck on finding the composition I want for Thursday / Friday. However, I did have luck with turning around. #trees #evening #monday #s...
Day 218
That's not right...
Set my camera up on a tripod in the back seat. I was hoping for something cool. Instead had it fall forward and... ya. I love my q...
Day 239
Feeling the Earth Move Under My Feet
But the sky DID NOT come tumbling down (thank goodness). Blasting crew was in today preping the area for a new wa...
Day 249
Get out there and reach new hights
This, ladies and gentlemen, is our first ever client climber on the new tower. #friday #afternoon #climb #september...
Day 261
The Face Lift Continues
The lodge is getting done! Still a long way to go, but if you look at the bottom right you'll see some new logs already going...
Day 265
Shoot Out at the Pretty Not Bad Corral
I was invited back out to the local gun club for the last cowboy action shoot of the season. Did better... more...
Day 284
Future Washrooms
Surprisingly, the cement was very warm to the touch. Soon... next couple of month... we'll have a new washroom (the brown building in...
Day 350
Late Night Tripod Adventure
Still visiting the folks. Still making photos. Here's the street I grew up on. Nice and quite. #forest #outdoors #nature #...
Day 364
Something I'm trying to work on more is getting my priorities straight. Sometimes I want to watch hockey. Sometimes I need to get my photos...
Day 393
White Board Surprise
Came into the dining hall this evening to find this thoughtful message from Liv. #afternoon #tuesday #design #heart #friends #jan...
Day 399
Almost finished getting everything put together. Another shelf and I should be all set. #indoors #afternoon #office #monday #desk #screen #furn...
Day 400
Tuck Shop
Spent the evening running the shop for some college students. In the coming week or so, I'm hoping to have new signage installed. Of course,...
Day 409
Yup, its a Selfie kinda night.
Nothing going for today. My birds flew the coop when the long lens showed up (again... birds are psychic). Meetings ran...
Day 442
A night of photos and hockey
Reading, pad thai, and my Habs. Sounds like a good evening to me. #evening #computer #tuesday #table #march #slice-life #...
Day 444
The best laid plans of beavers and men
Thought we get offsite tonight. The local Beaver thought differently. Interestingly enough... Not the worse thi...
Day 445
My Tropical Southern Holiday
Time for my ducks again. But first, a good night's sleep. #friday #night #home #furniture #bed #interior #room #sofa #mar...
Day 498
Moody but not Moldy
I was handed one of our old(ish) shirts the other day. This Original Sidebar was discovered amongst a pile of other shirts. My pla...
Day 501
Shitty Week, Pretty Flower
This week was mostly a write-off (it would have been better spent laying in bed and not engaging with the world at large)....