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Field Naturalist, Amateur Photographer, General All Well Great Guy.
#9 121/365
30 streak
Day 1,656
Neowise Post Sunset
Clear skies tonight. Made it out just after sunset. I like the composition of this one more than the first one and hope to get out...
Day 1,645
Water Plant Sunset
Yesterday we had a systems failure at the water plant (air compressor died, leaving certain valves open). While wait for the mainte...
Day 1,462
Hiary Woodpecker
Late day picture of the hairy at the suite feeder.
Day 1,825
Common Redpoll
At long last, I've managed to count two of these little guys for my feeder count. Sure, they've shown up before... but never during a c...
Day 1,616
What You Lookin' At?
Changed spots to photograph the fox pups. Unfortunately I didn't get any usable shots. Fortunately this Tree Swallow isn't judgin...
Day 1,623
Fox Days of Spring
Got to spend about twenty minutes with one of my foxes afternoon. I was able to open the boardroom window without waking him and sh...
Day 1,613
Day Three
Foxes are making barking-noises just outside my door! It's part-yelp/part-bark. In all my years, I've never heard that particular sound befo...
Day 1,649
3:00am is early to get up and start photographing. But capturing this image of Comet NEOWISE certainly made it worthwhile. Depending...
Day 1,594
Grabbing Supplies
With the province slowly reopening, it looks like the local Robins are also taking advantage of the situation. Just a quick trip to...
Day 1,536
Workplace Hijinks
I am not a very handy guy. I can swing a hammer... under very controlled setting while under the direct care and supervision of a re...
Day 1,621
Can't Win 'em All
That grey blur at the bottom... that's the top of the grill. Guess today wasn't a good day for photographing foxes after all.
Day 1,544
Day 1,639
Napping Tree Rat
Day 1,547
Too much time
Lots of time on my hands of late. Finding new and interesting things to keep myself good. #theme-wtf
Day 1,706
Waterfront Sunset (Second Upload)
A pretty sunset(ish) photo of the bay at Waterfront.
Day 1,531
The Quest for TP
I'm legitimately out of toilet paper. Literally put the last roll on the holder about a week ago. Panic buying has meant it's been ve...
Day 1,614
Sleepy Time
Sorry for the crap quality, but I didn't want to wake the lil fellow up (shot through a bug screen). Also shot some shaky video of three o...
Day 1,620
More foxes!
Just what the world needs more of... more baby foxes being ridiculously cute and adorable. Hope to make my way into the big city tomorrow...
Day 1,626
Underrated Benefit of the Lockdown
No line up for the laundry room! While it's unfortunate to have most everyone furloughed, it is nice to be able to...
Day 1,704
A bit of a heavy shower just around sunset today. #theme-weather
Day 1,792
Ready for the Next Wave
#theme-black-and-white Just in case things go sideways again, we are all stocked up on toilet paper.
Day 1,577
Sneak Peek
Been working on a side Picture-A-Day project. At the end if each working day I take a selfie in front of my door. When this is all said and...
Day 1,611
Surprise... BABY FOX!
Was heading out to top up the feeders this morning and was interrupted by this little cutie.
Day 1,644
Mourning Dove