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Agnieszka Pilecka

Love animals, walking and my Podlasie area, local history and photography.
#2 87/365
54 streak
Day 68
One hour away from my home by car.
Oko wszechwidzącego. Wielkie niespodzianki w lesie. Freski malowane przez czas. Omniscient eye. The big surprise in...
Day 67
30 minutes way from my home by car.
Poranek nastrajający pozytywnie na cały dzień. Morning tuned positively for the all day. #morning #outdoors #natur...
Day 66
30 minutes away from my home.
Samotny w sieci. Lonely on the network. #friday #afternoon #january
Day 65
30 minutes away from my home.
Niedługo będzie tu droga. Soon it will be here street. #thursday #evening #january
Day 64
30 minutes away from my home.
Kolędnicy przyjęci - dom szczęściem naznaczony. Carolers admitted - house marked by happiness. #evening #wednesday #janu...
Day 63
30 minutes way from my home.
Ile kaw zaparzonych? Ile chlebów upieczonych? Czy jest jeszcze nadzieja? How many coffees brewed? How many loaves baked?...
Day 62
30 minutes way from my home.
Moje miasto. Nawet jak ci źle to znane kąty pocieszą. My city. Even as you badly that known angles make you better. #nigh...
Day 61
20 minutes way from my home.
Wcześnie rano. Niedziela. Bez słońca - 9. Early morning. Sunday. Without the sun - 9. #morning #sunday #january
Day 60
15 minutes from my home.
Morsy w wodzie. Na zewnątrz minus 5. Słońce przygrzewa. Tylko leżaków brak. Walruses in the water. Outside, minus 5. The sun...
Day 59
30 minutes way from my home by car.
Fotografia łączy nie tylko poprzez robienie zdjęć, także przez ich wspólne oglądanie. Dziś Supraśl pomału ginący p...
Day 58
30 minutes way from my home.
Czy w pojedynję możemy dokonać więcej? Czy praca zespołu daje lepsze efekty? A podróżować łatwiej samemu? Moim zdaniem ta...
Day 57
20 minutes way from my home.
#evening #wednesday #january
Day 56
40 minutes from my home.
W parku. At the city park. #evening #tuesday #january
Day 55
30 minutes way from my home.
Nawet na nizinach można znaleść swoją górę. Warto podjąć wyzwanie i na nią się wdrapać. Even in the lowlands you can find...
Day 54
30 minutes way from my home by car.
Solitude in the network. Samotność w sieci. #afternoon #sunday #january
Day 53
One hour away from my home by car.
Heart is worth looking around yourself. Then this may just lost your second half. Serca warto szuka dookoła siebie....
Day 52
15 minutes from my home.
Once I fell in love. The max. Everything around me has changed and this love to last. Love for willow. Maybe it Harwig's pict...
Day 51
30 minutes way from my home.
Always intrigued me, this old trading house. Beautiful in its ugliness. For every Christmas wrapped in bows. Progress sin...
Day 50
One hour away from my home.
Do angels exist? Where is my? Himself heavily in the world. Czy Anioły isnieją? Gdzie jest mój? Samemu ciężko na świecie....
Day 49
One hour away from my home.
Yesterday I was able to watch at close to me person. The conversation, which turned out to be the last. Shaking strong war...
Day 48
In the morning frost does not forgive. Still minus 16. On the way to the office heaven give me strange signs.I climb out of the car for moment to take...
Day 47
One hour away from my home by car.
Home joy. They are there to enjoy. Who does not like them should not be feel fully human. There are for good and ba...
Day 46
One hour away from my home by car.
Forest is the most beautiful place on earth. Always knows how to surprise. As long as the forest will exist we aliv...
Day 45
One hour away from my home by car.
The weather was changing rapidly. Frost cut down the valley. - 16. I could choose from multiple paths on a daily ba...